Nirvana principle is a site of study, analysis and psychoanalysis!
ALIEN PSYCHOLOGY-Psihologia Nebuniei.
IN 2015 A PLANET 850 MILLION CRAZY.Neurotics are hardly included:
Institute of Mental Health UK said that one of four Britons suffer at some point from a mental illness.
The fool just are wondering: If I jump in the air now exploding bomb in backpack,how many people kill innocent?
sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012
Mistake "exciting" of Freud down to zero
Paganini's fat loss cycle
motto: You send a cloud of happiness, arrested him ...
"We were a class of students in senior year, people in recreation.
Two colleagues were playing ping-pong on his desk.Instead of using second hand pallets.The game captivated some of the students.The girls gathered in a circle around the table kept with the weakest and therefore applauded when the champion was wrong ball.Boys, in turn supports the champion class and tried to convince the girls to abandon the "gallery".
I found the penultimate bank without much success trying to listen to a music device with headphones.My colleague from their bank polishing the sharp shoes.Behind us a couple of lovers kissing in a, loud, not to dodge.When I heard "sacred sounds" I took off my headphones and I returned troubled head, the boy was masturbating in the front.It was too much for me.Still laughing, laughter, forced, nervous, of complacency.Then I get to do my luggage.I cry my fellow bank, as I go. "I go there. "Despite the uproar of his class and still get me worried for myself. "And you go about it?I eat? " My colleague is a great boy joker. "Be reasonable, I respond I smile.I can not do as well as two guys, looking back.I have to get them home, in time, without my parents to suspect something.I have exactly three hours "
"Three hours, breaks it?What you need three hours?Do not go alone?There are those that end in 15 minutes with all the undressing.If you consider the expense of (sic) and exactly the way you two numbers.Or shoot him more? " "You have no idea.Let the break ends.You explain once.Make my back, please ".Keep him: "You love it.I was caught in a bind, as a puppy.She, too, distinguished professor, 30 years old lady, most holy mother abbess, virgin started much has saddled up for good . "I frown. "You know the joke at all.Well go.You lost case anyway.Tomorrow, tomorrow you marry her, "Do not be broken mouth, I warned.And so I find it hard to keep secret, do you like rain. "
"Run, if that makes you feel happy.I apologize to Profit "
"Thanks," I say, and leave.I took her to rush as soon as I left the school yard.There were over two kilometers to her.Eye ran into the ground as the times when I was doing athletics.I keep saving forces same pace.I felt, like, every muscle, every fiber and every heartbeat.I saw that the fog, houses and people which he passes.I strive to be as anonymous as gray that I may not recognize anyone.No one wanted to know about my relationship with an older woman.Run ba ba road pavement, and even on country roads, as it got.He lived in a cottage at the foot of a hill, leaving the city.And our school was placed at the entrance to our The town, so had to walk across town from one end to another.Become a perfect training run for me, living out of sports due to indiscipline.I got this time faster than expected and I meet people without known.Her box, tle last the forest, was made of wrought iron fence.We entered the gate and I threw it with great noise of joy, the day before.I knocked on the window of the bedroom after we recorded only knew.I opened the door and I froze when I saw it.The city was dressed in a dress with empire waist under the breasts.She hugged me all excited and stuck by me, caressing me, and whispering in my ear: "I am woman / You're a man / You look obliquely, my hero in bed / wonder :/ wondering perhaps it really be true? "She pushed me in house and began to undress me with infinite tenderness:
"You're all wet.
You ran or marched like a soldier?
"And move my question answered: "Do not go anywhere, just probably some toilets".
After I removed my clothes off with a fluffy towel and fragrant.I tried as is only natural to undress.
It was our game: I am her and she me.Giggled: "You have eyes as large onions, honey" I only managed to break her dress.I thought I was being angry and I stopped.She looked at me serenely: "You got it, no joke.
Continue, my lord, we find another dress, other hands like yours, not "
I had come out in a day and I hauled library books borrowed books in the park.
I wanted to taste a bit, arbor them before reading them, trying to satisfy my hunger for culture.Goethe, Heine, Blaga, Camus, Sartre, Cioran, M.Eliade, etc..Read more and in one gulp and not feeling that move at all.
I felt small and dark compared to the great spirits of mankind.I sat on a bench and opened "Nausea" by Sartre.It is impossible to read a book on the run.
You need patience and I did not have it.Boiling in my blood.
There was a woman, attractive, with a distinguished air and hair painted in stripes.
I looked in my eyes while waving a thin cigarette between his fingers.: "You have a light?"I searched the pockets.I received a lighter smoker gift from an uncle.I found it and I lit cigarette.I thought then that it carries.Instead he sat next to me.I remained nailed by such boldness and looked stunned.She showed me the book: "You read Sartre?I'll be disappointed.You should start with the Beauvoire Simone, his wife.So I'll better understand the Jean Paul. "I had to make an effort of concentration that I could speak.Only later when I fell asleep in her arms I was able to relax smooth.
All they lacked phrases than the same goal, to me, it was causing me, to bring to light the man I fell asleep.
And successful.
It does this while pretending he was interested in books, me and force me to pretend that the subject is literary or philosophical.
The truth was that I wanted to start with her and she wanted to continue with me.
He later told me that I noticed on some shows and sometimes on the street. "I seem to want to run for life.
I felt the need to transform your run into a pleasure trip, "she said loving me.
So we met.We experienced a metamorphosis.
He turned his loved one ... ONE
We were already 4-5 months.
She seemed absorbed by my sex.He shows a free account limits, without any embarrassment or restraint.You caress, kiss, pinching and rubbing it with his belly on the thighs on the breasts, and finally it fit between the breasts.
Later I confessed that at 20 years her breasts were very small.
And all her previous boyfriends were forced to one thousand and first love breasts.
After passing the initial test result and real sex.
"Is obsessed with her breasts "I said I then, in ignorance.
I thought that because I did something so shameful, ejaculate on her chest, as a shameless.
He even makes it countless times without ever actually break down indignation.
Where you put, they really liked.
I thought strange tastes (such perverse nonsense then I thought).It only remains for me to take them.
And made the most.
Sensations were new and terrible for me.
But her "beauty to his bed" laughing every time.
My country after her to the bathroom and wash me as a child.For anything in the world could not say that I do.
I lied.
I felt like in heaven or heaven so I thought then that a love without end.
A lighthouse love sex because it was a kind of sex, no sex.
After washing us back to bed and we go again.5-6 times until he lost.
In this way I learned how it works sex practices the mine.
In parallel female bodies came to be represented, for me, the breasts, navel and her fleshy mouth, beautifully drawn with lipstick.
All theory taught about sex did not feather when acted upon and wanted to apply it.
And then as now teachers were voiceless.In theory this should be corrected ...
She managed to break in glowing figures, just for me all the knowledge learned from movies or books.
At first her breasts excited me and I had fun, then I was aroused and many times I have "finished".
Finally after hundreds of "exercise", I ended up not feeling much.Curiosity was gone.
And the result was that I started doing vaginal sex.
She also decided that.Floating in happiness as two girls who mirrored the same icon while you kiss.Icon reflecting the same sex without shame and without limits, endlessly.
I noticed how you can become addicted to sex like any other drug, trivial.And as such can confuse sex with love.
Develop the sustainable relationship with her sex (gender sustainable), of long duration, so we have a long way to (sic).
Every time we met I felt lust arrived.Pleasant habits, we get repeated in reflex, so I got to see daily.We only met for sex.
The moment came the problems disappeared and love.However, even long after we broke up we meet for a small one.
She married although I felt no more than me that I was alone.I did not understand then, why so much drama?
How to become a target happiness so fragile?
A happiness so elusive can be easily broken into pieces, into thousands of shreds, as never was?
How to allow your love to be broken into thousands of shards that once spread can not be collected from the carpet?
So I learned to live moment when really only loved.
At other times, just, pretend to live, mimic life.This cheat death like a true gambler ...
So then, I loved her passionately, furiously, almost without breathing, until the end.
My end of course.Of them had no idea it is.
She silent staring me in the eye without blinking. (Silent sex silent when a woman have sex with her, keeps her own mystery, as it gives you a chance to doubt you get your potency as yourself, always wondering if it works well, if you have mastered the technique, if worth anything or even a hill of beans).
After he lit a cigarette and placed the head on my belly to relieve excessive smoking.: "You ran away from school?"
"Why?sport were you?And you preferred to do an obstacle course?And finally apotheotically? "
No I needed to see you.Tomorrow can not come "I served myself a cigarette and lit it from her.She comforted me with the same hand with leading cigarette in mouth.
He stopped to pull the cigarette and then began to sting me gently with nails.
gently with her sharp nails.Then exhale smoke warm my belly and I would light and...
She could not smoke.
We could not understand how to make those cute circular clouds of smoke .
"Man, nor know not to smoke.Throw them on the kids"
Laughing: "You teach me"
She crushed cigarette in the ashtray started their bed and down both arms below my belly.I had to reject cigarette, too excited to do something else
than to love.
"First lesson, she joked, smoking two is more pleasant, after a kiss, if you loved cigars and a variety" Then kiss me with violence.
"Lesson two.Cigarettes not put all in the mouth.A wet and bums only one lap.Love always and look of the hand to mouth "kiss me everywhere and random pauses when I bite marks easily leaving me not" coming out "at all the washing.Smoke too little.More fool.But as I entered, frequently before cigarette, after cigarette, cigarette after cigarette as customary cigarette coffee.Upon leaving she gave me two cigarettes to have the road to keep me.I spent so without arguments together almost a year.After I gave my baccalaureate said it increased. "Who? "
"Count it for you?"
"It does not matter.Yes but 'is true? "
"It is perfectly true.I invite you to the wedding even if you want.However my husband leave here and not see me until very, very rare.However my husband comes up we can meet "
"Why do you want to see you if you marry another.She just laughed.You are inexperienced.I like you.I love to make you happy.You have no idea to make love.But sometimes you come after me.What I offer you nothing but what you like best on me?You always have a special place in my heart.Have you ever wondered how much we lose or win to make love?Or how much you miss someone looking for "better"?How long does one lose one seeking "better" than me?As for me is a huge satisfying to have me as a standard for comparison with your future mistresses and wives?I had years ago when I sacrificed my body and time for men who want me for me but for them.You do not compare me with any that are first and I always like Ramna.And someone will confuse love with sex, you know to distinguish.A hurt and as much as you hurt me "
"Why marry another if like me?"
"Love does not take place hungry.I am 32 years old and he beat the clock.He'll give me a home, a house and a carefree life.You're just a kid insufferably cute.I'll take another younger mistress.View already have learned to smoke.Time does not forgive anyone.Neither you not to "forgive" the women they love when they actually want sex and vice versa.I am a woman / You are a mann "....
For months I thought about her words after we broke up.We were with her memory and some pictures.And I was of course the "cigarettes" When you smoke a nice finish creates the illusion of relief.It fills a void in the soul, although you eat your life
So I began to wonder about Nirvana.I called Nirvana discharge voltage as Freud said, that is.We also believe that zeroing is Nirvana Principle of excitement as all Sigmund said.Loving I learned that there is zero.And the great Freud was wrong.
I told a friend: "I challenge each meeting .
He uncovered breasts, or they arrange the bra strap, and even checking his zipper from prohab, when he was in his pants, lifting his pointer several times.
Or stretched their socks and panty-less skirt lifting or sitting on the chair in front of my legs apart so that you only see them I thighs and panties.
Nothing worked, I entertain! Until one day when a condom out of the bag and then swelled and broke gracefully picked a hair clip.
That capped. I have burst.
So I managed to incite, otherwise I think now I would be looking at her enigmatic smile. "We see a spark may not ignite a match.
Sometimes it takes more sparks to make fire, and even more match sticks ...
What are principles?
Principles are general conditions of reasoning.
They are called laws of reasoning.
Such a general law Nirvana says most people ignore their own tastes and pleasures of folly fall ill or go crazy for real.
If we look around we see many people unhappy and sick: to see why 60% of women mimicking orgasm;
80% of women and 95% of men masturbate;
70% of women and 75% of men continue to masturbate after marriage;
almost 20% of women masturbating using artificial penis (dildo);
almost 60% of men and 30% of women have sexual fantasies with two people simultaneously;
54% of women between 18-30 years have an orgasm, 34% lack the desire and 28% have no satisfaction from sexual intercourse;
48% of women aged 31-45 years have no libido, 43% and 60% have orgasms do not get no satisfaction from sexual intercourse;
40% of women reported sexual arousal;
45% of women have no orgasm;
36% of women have pain during sex ...
Why people get mad? Or why seemingly healthy people yesterday, day before yesterday suddenly becomes wholly or partially in wild creatures?Why can not answer this simple question? How to start? Well sure to make a start at the beginning. That is with pleasure or with human pleasures. Actually that is what I started with.
Watch the next clip.Or how well they can dance
in a toilet?
February 2012-San Remo
Dl.Molleggiato causing a huge
scandal. Only that says something as trivial as that would be closed two
publications Avvenire and Faniglia Cristiana. Cellentano that they would be closed because they do not speak nor
God nor heaven.
Adriano Celentano also uses the word hypocrite. Who can be afraid of this word?
Obviously only people without a minimum culture. We see an artist who put his finger on the wound. A plague of actually living. People pretend that this or that does not conform to their ethics. But the subject is not was ethical but occupation newspapers. Topics discussed by the media was their main problem and not our ethics.
Namely ethics but it was logical and not form the essence of dissertation. More specifically points to the sky and fools artist looks at the finger. People pretend indignation for inconvenience caused to escape from the guilt which burdens. Pretense is main condition of madness.
Oh how much you owe hypocrisy. Without pretense we have too few fools.
Deceit is an essential condition of madness is even under its. To understand but she is concerned when the subject violate an important principle or deliberately conceal its manifestation.So talk about principles that have influence in our lives regardless of our behavior or our desires.They act in the shadows even in silence and screwing it on stupid or tubes. It is generally no breach Principle pleasure.
This happens for example when we adopt fashion imposed Although we do not.
Is true for clothing but also music, movies, books, etc..A former fashion. and cultivating friendships is only rich people can not even suffer ... Pretense acts in the human relations, is his favorite field of endeavor.Here we have examples enough.Greeting is both an obligation as Christians and start a conversation.But even if the man turned Christian says his only welcomes those richer than himself or only those with an interest.I am just returning back pretending to not have to salute you.It is breach of the principle value.Pride, pride and stupidity are all present.That proves that he loves his neighbor as Christ commanded. He who welcomes the higher thought and inflate until it rumbles mind.I with people who repeatedly and deliberately pretend that I did not see even temporarily share the same air from one room to break friendships.Just get to work around unless things are bosses or co-workers.They still keep the same attitude polite relations with minimal (but cold), and both type Hello.And remove them from my heart that no longer give a damn about them.It is important my time and prefer to have a friend (or girl- friend) candid than one who pretends that he haughtily back hurts just when you have to carry around furniture.If you do this you ask yourself for days with these conceited and wrong you even waste time investigating the left or right for them lost ...
Bogatii Idioti din Romania Iunie 2012 Constanta,inca Europa de Est,bulevardul Tomis ,o strada circulata de idioti ca si sanatosi deopotriva. La fiecare intersectie vedem masini de lux parcate anapoda ori,mai rau, exact in curba , la un metru de trotuar.
Si periodic se petrec( logic) accidente . Sigur nu toti bogatii fac asta ci numai aceia care vor sa iasa in evidenta .Doar cei anormali la minte orgoliosi sau parnoici.
Rich idiots in Romania June 2012 Constanta, since Eastern Europe, Tomis Boulevard, a street of idiots circulated as both healthy. At each intersection we see luxury cars parked awry or, worse, just at the corner, at one meter sidewalk.And occur periodically (obviously) accidents. Certainly not all rich doing this but only those who want to stand out . Only the conceited or parnoid or abnormal mind.Problemele generate de comportamentul nebunilor sant nenumarate insa una importanta este o consecinta imediata nebunul pune in dificultate sau incurcatura pe toata lumea din jur cu care intra in contact. Aici toti participantii la trafic se vor scarpina in cap si/ sau il vor injura pe nebunul care a parcat in curba masina.
Insanebehaviorproblemsarecaused bymanybutan important oneisan immediate consequenceputindifficulty ortroublefooleveryonearound youin contactwith. Hereallroad userswillscratch their headsand/or shallcursethe foolwhoparked hiscarin a curve.
salut.Ce faceti?il votati iar pe basescu?sa mai fure cate ceva?Guru io ti-am zis pleaca de acolo!E de Kakat romanica cu niste kakanari de politruci-hoti.pacat de ideea Nirvana!Termini tu proiectul cand o sa ajunga base si banditii toti in parnaie...
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RăspundețiȘtergereBuna.Dona va saluta.La Dona nu-i MOBILE...Ai un blog di blog.daca vrei sa vezi cum mai arat priveste poza ta din "Sinuciderea"Ti puop
RăspundețiȘtergeresalut.Ce faceti?il votati iar pe basescu?sa mai fure cate ceva?Guru io ti-am zis pleaca de acolo!E de Kakat romanica cu niste kakanari de politruci-hoti.pacat de ideea Nirvana!Termini tu proiectul cand o sa ajunga base si banditii toti in parnaie...