Instead Motto:
"The only people who are paying attention are cops and criminals at rest either go somewhere or do shopping" Robert De Niro
In loc de Motto:
"Singurii oameni care sunt atenti pe strada sunt politistii si criminalii restul fie se duc undeva fie fac cumparaturi"Robert De Niro
U.S. President Obama bowing respectfully before Japan's Emperor Akihito aged 80 years and Empress Michiko.
Presedintele Statelor Unite Obama inclinandu-se respectuos in fata Imparatului Akihito al Japoniei in varsta de 80 de ani si al imparatesei Michiko .

Lack of culture and deviant behavior
We traveled daily on the sidewalk on the right frequently meet people of all ages and all rich or poor conditions moving in opposite runing on the left and so we risk bump them, if we are not careful to work around .
Ne deplasam zilnic pe trotuar pe partea dreapta si intalnim frecvent oameni de toate varstele si de toate conditiile bogati sau saraci care se deplaseaza in sens opus circuland pe partea stanga si astfel riscam sa ne ciocnim, de ei,daca nu suntem atenti sa-i ocolim.
Every day we meet on the sidewalk with people coming from the opposite direction and go undisturbed and proudly on the left or right on the middle of the sidewalk.
In fiecare zi ne intalnim pe trotuar cu oameni care vin din directie opusa si merg netulburati si cu mandrie pe partea stanga sau chiar pe mijlocul trotuarului.
These people are so concerned about their person that almost hit you and expect it to go around because it is more important than you think.
Well if to say:
'"I am me and only me and my muscles go as he wants."
"You have a bug, you should always make my place and give me all the freedom of movement in my will, and if you do not like the way you're free to go walk on the other sidewalk as not to intersect with noble my person "
"You a giant worm bother me and I mess with me on business, a person noble and important.
Now let's go go accept to stay away from me, but be careful next time not to get in my way, because I will not forgive you, but rather, I'll trample crushing you "
Acesti oameni sunt atat de preocupati de persoana lor incat aproape se lovesc de tine si se asteapta sa-i ocolesti pentru ca se cred mai importanti decat tine .
Ei parca ar spune :
'"EU sunt EU si NUMAI EU si merg asa cum vrea muschii mei".
"Tu un gandac, trebuie sa-mi faci mereu loc si sa-mi acorzi toata libertatea de a circula in voia mea,iar daca nu-ti convine felul cum merg esti liber sa te plimbi pe alt trotuar ca sa nu te intersectezi cu nobila mea persoana"
"Tu un vierme urias ma deranjezi si ma incurci pe mine, din treburi ,o persoana nobila si importanta.
Acuma hai treaca mearga accept sa te feresti de mine,insa ai mare grija ca data viitoare sa nu-mi mai iesi in cale,pentru ca nu o sa te mai iert ,ci dimpotriva , o sa te calc in picioare zdrobindu-te"
Some of this kind of people move as illegal and road car (personal and / or service) and thus causes accidents.
We know we're in Eastern Europe, European Union, and the movement of people and vehicles is on the right, except Great Britain.
What happens to these people unlearned and disengaged to comply with a rule so simple?
Unii dintre acest gen de oameni circula la fel de neregulamentar si pe sosele cu masina (personala si/sau de serviciu)si implicit provoaca accidente.
Stim ne gasim in estul Europei,Uniunea Europeana,si circulatia oamenilor si autovehiculelor se face pe partea dreapta,cu exceptia Marii Britanii.
Ce se intampla cu acesti oameni neinvatati si neinteresati sa respecte o regula atat de simpla?
And if politeness or curiosity and pushes you to check how stupid are ready and you say Hello first, then respond with the same cold unfeeling, or even contempt, watching you from above, as a frame or as a bug.
Si daca politetea si sau curiozitatea te impinge sa verifici cat de prost sunt pregatiti si spui tu primul Buna Ziua,atunci raspund cu aceeasi raceala nesimtitoare ,sau chiar dispret,privindu-te de sus ,ca pe o rama sau ca pe un gandac.
I had forced social contact with these people who do not know very conceited to say hi and I learned how culture is for them a blank page.
I even had girlfriends extremely physically attractive and so as not welcomed and that after a short relationship, I broke even I rode, because their character was as awful, as training!
Am avut contacte sociale fortate cu acesti oameni foarte orgoliosi care nu stiu sa salute si am aflat cum cultura reprezinta pentru ei o pagina ALBA.
Am avut chiar si iubite extrem de atragatoare fizic si tot asa la fel nu salutau si de care dupa o relatie scurta,m-am despartit sau chiar am dat bir cu fugitii,intrucat caracterul lor era la fel de ingrozitor ,pe masura pregatirii!
I even imposed personal rule not to have any friendships with girls, no matter how beautiful or rich as that , without want , they encounter every day or very often and unresponsive to Hello .
Similarly, avoid, Make friends with these kind of people regardless of gender or welcome not behave contemptuously against their peers .
Say hello a few times and if it finds that they fall into this category of dick I try hard to bypass them .
Very rarely wrong when I fall into this category and only change their behavior lead me to have unnatural relations " Hello " .
Relationships ' Hello ' are generally those in which you encounter often and without a person in the places they frequent and thus change a few words to that person , everything starting from "Good Day " .
Relationship may evolve into a friendly relationship or can remain in this stage if not interests or desires for evolution toward a closer relationship .
If you are forced by the nature of the service to have the kind of people we have working relationships that keep my official relations , but politeness and social distance .
My rule is to not have any friendships with people who are often rude and conceited or deviants or overly difficult .
Chiar mi-am impus ca regula personala sa nu am nici un fel de relatii de prietenie cu fete,indiferent cat de frumoase sau bogate ar fi pe care,fara sa vreau, le intalnesc, zilnic sau foarte des si care nu raspund la Buna Ziua.
La fel ,evit, sa-mi fac prieteni printre acesti gen de oameni indiferent de sex care nu saluta sau se poarta dispretuitor fata de semenii lor.
Le spun de cateva ori buna ziua si daca constat ca ei se incadreaza in aceasta categorie de nesimititi ma straduiesc din rasputeri sa-i ocolesc.
Foarte rar gresesc cand ii incadrez in aceasta categorie si doar schimbarea comportamentului lor nefiresc ma determina sa am relatii de "Buna Ziua".
Relatiile de 'Buna Ziua" sunt in general ,acelea in care intalnesti des si fara sa vrei o persoana in locurile pe care le frecventezi si implicit schimbi cateva cuvinte cu aceea persoana,totul plecand de la "Buna Ziua" .
Relatia poate evolua intr-o relatie de amicitie sau poate ramane la acest stadiu daca nu sunt interese sau dorinte in favoarea evolutiei spre o relatie mai apropiata.
Daca sunt obligat de natura serviciului sa am cu acest gen de oameni relatii de munca am relatii oficiale in care imi pastrez politetea dar si distanta sociala.
Regula mea este sa nu am nici un fel de relatii de prietenie cu oamenii nepoliticosi care deseori sunt si devianti sau orgoliosi sau peste masura de dificili.
The human mind needs clarification daily.
Acceptance of social contacts with people rude, weird, deviant or even of the type that can not comply with basic rules leads to a residual mental load.
Rude and uncultured man is that a player who does not play the game and that ultimately everyone flees.
In the face of a man who does not follow the rules, so Vladimir Putin, have only two solutions only to run out of his way or conflict with it.
Mintea umana are nevoie de clarificari zilnice .
Acceptarea unor contacte sociale cu oameni nepoliticosi ,ciudati ,devianti sau chiar din categoria celor care nu pot respecta reguli elementare duce la o incarcare psihica reziduala.
Omul nepoliticos si incult este ca un jucator care nu respecta regulile jocului si de care in final toata lumea fuge.
In fata unui om care nu respecta regulile,asa ca Putin Vladimir,ai numai doar doua solutii sa fugi din calea lui sau sa intri in conflict cu acesta.
In my country we called Romanian course and polite and literate people , they just want to be friends and exchange ideas or to have close relationships .
It will recommend to all who want to keep a clear head !
We see in Romanian political class illiterate and contemptuous to the people who elected them in different functions .
And see and their outcomes , bad , in over 23 years have not been able to build a highway , instead they built their " palaces " countless .
We see a President Traian Basescu fraudulently obtained mandates continue to want political power in total disagreement with the results.
President Traian Basescu although he had no success for country named president continues to act the opposite as he achieved the largest growth of
Romanian history.
Basescu makes party though so violates the Constitution and talk to all television stations as if positive results in as president , as large as a national expert and not a President who only had failures , social and economic outcomes of this policy catastrophe.
Instead Basescu led Romanian in crisis, cut pensions and salaries closed hospitals and increased VAT and put the economy on crutches closing tens of thousands of companies, small and medium enterprises and nobody stopped. Simultaneously he has put relatives and cronies in key positions in Bruxelless and Elena Basescu this "Paris Hilton of Romania" as nicely says Oana Lungescu BBC reporter.
In Bruxelless relatives and his henchmen as frudulos appointed by the president personally algorithm crazy, they did as they represent shame country.
In tara mea numita Romania avem desigur si oameni politicosi si culti ,doar cu ei doresc sa fiu prieten si sa schimb idei sau sa am relatii apropiate.
Aceasta va recomand tuturor celor care doresc sa-si pastreze mintea limpede!
Vedem in Romanian o clasa politica inculta si dispretuitoare fata de poporul care i-a ales in diferite functii.
Si vedem si rezultatele lor,proaste, in peste 23 de ani nu au fost capabili sa construiasca o autostrada,in schimb lor si-au construit "palate" nenumarate.
Vedem cum un presedinte pe Traian Basescu cu multe mandate obtinute fraudulos continua sa doreasca puterea politica ,in dezacord total cu rezultatele sale.
Presedintele Traian Basescu desi nu a avut nici un succes notabil pentru tara care l-a numit presedinte continua sa se poarte exact pe dos ca si cum el a obtinut cea mai mare crestere economica a
Romaniei din istorie.
Basescu isi face partid desi incalca astfel Constitutia si vorbeste la toate posturile de televiziune de parca ar fi obtinut rezultate pozitive in functia de presedinte,ca si cum ar fi un mare expert national iar nu un presedinte care a AVUT NUMAI ESECURI ,SOCIALE SI ECONOMICE rezultate ale POLITICI SALE CATASTROFALE.
Instead Basescu led Romanian in crisis, cut pensions and salaries closed hospitals and increased VAT and put the economy on crutches closing tens of thousands of companies, small and medium enterprises and nobody stopped. Simultaneously he has put relatives and cronies in key positions in Bruxelless and Elena Basescu this "Paris Hilton of Romania" as nicely says Oana Lungescu BBC reporter.
In Bruxelless relatives and his henchmen as frudulos appointed by the president personally algorithm crazy, they did as they represent shame country.
Dimpotriva Basescu a dus Romania in criza ,a taiat pensiile si salariile a inchis spitale si a marit TVA-ul si a pus economia pe branci inchizand zeci de mii de firme,mici si mijlocii si nimeni nu l-a oprit .In paralel el si-a pus rudele si acolitii in posturi cheie ,la Bruxelles,precum Elena Basescu aceasta "Paris Hilton A Romaniei"cum frumos spune Oana Lungescu reporter BBC.
La Bruxelles rudele si acolitii sai numiti la fel de frudulos dupa un algoritm personal al presedintelui nebun,au facut la fel de rusine tara pe care o reprezinta.Now in March 2014 when the planet is experiencing a serious crisis caused by Russia and Vladimir's Putin, the annexation of Crimea, our officials complain that Romanian was excluded from the negotiations with Ukraine vicinity although our country would have imposed a different treatment.
They forget who is chairman of the Romanian and look as our partners in the European Union and NATO have found who he is and have lost confidence in it.
Our partners Europeans and Americans try to avoid the madness of the equation to rectify the situation and have no other surprises.
For illiterate people unprepared and always produce unpleasant surprises.
So expect to go crazy or disappear naturally ...
Acum in martie 2014 cand planeta traverseaza o grava criza ,provocata de Rusia si de Valdimir Putin ,prin anexarea Crimeii,oficialii nostri se plang ca Romania a fost exclusa de la tratative desi vecinatatea cu Ucraina a tarii noastre ar fi impus un tratament diferit.
Acestia uita cine este presedinte in Romania si uita ca si partenerii nostri din Uniunea Europeana si din NATO au aflat cine este si si-au pierdut increderea in acesta.
Partenerii nostrii europeni si americani incearca sa evite nebunii din ecuatie ca sa lamureasca situatia si sa nu aiba si alte surprize.
Pentru ca oamenii nepregatiti si inculti produc mereu surprize neplacute.
Asa ca asteptam ca nebunii sa plece sau sa dispara in mod natural...
At eight o'clock in the morning today Sunday, March 23 , when I started the study, a " craftsman " of many talents including that of disturbance , all he is deranged , why bother and not others, or better yet why not disturb everyone in the neighborhood began to cut the flex iron thus making a deafening noise !
So given wake-up call , all the breath he woke so this Sunday feeling like on the site .
At ten in the morning to finish the job and went to go to rest !
La ora opt dimineata astazi Duminica 23 martie,cand m-am apucat de studiu ,un "meserias "cu multe talente inclusiv acela al deranjului,tot este el deranjat mintal ,de ce sa nu deranjeze si pe altii sau si mai bine de ce sa nu deranjeze pe toata lumea din cartier ,a inceput sa taie fier cu flex-ul facand astfel un zgomot asurzitor!
Astfel ca a dat semnalul de trezire ,toata suflarea s-a trezit deci in aceasta duminica simtindu-se ca pe santier.
La ora zece ,dimineata a terminat treaba si s-a dus sa se duca sa se odihneasca!
Other times I have seen or "craftsmen" in the very center of the city, which at seven in the morning proceeded Rigs and so worked about two hours, causing a huge noise and blowing up all, then at the time it would have been normally begin at ten or 11 leaving leaving behind piles of trash and debris scattered all over the street and a lot of mess and many people frightened and bemused morning because of the noise.
In alte dati am vazut lucratori sau "meseriasi" ,in plin centru al orasului,care la ora sapte dimineata porneau picamerul si tot asa lucrau vreo doua ore,producand un zgomot infernal si trezind toata suflarea , dupa care la ora la care ar fi fost normal sa inceapa la zece sau 11 plecau lasand in urma lor gramezi de gunoi si de moloz imprastiat pe toata strada si multa mizerie si multi oameni speriati si buimaciti din cauza zgomotului matinal.
Thus we can defend imposing rules specimens only normal for normal people !
Ne putem apara de asfel de specimene doar impunand reguli normale ca pentru oameni normali!
I recommend you try to meditate and perhaps more careful with people near you, courtesy equal to everyone regardless of age or social position or status-financial is also a mental exercise that strengthens the mind and psyche exchilibreaza or social environment in which they are.
You may very well see a book written by psychiatrists and psychotherapists good French, Francoise Lelord and Christophe Andre, see also picture below:
Va recomand sa meditati si eventual sa incercati sa mai atenti cu oamenii de langa voi ,politetea egala cu toata lumea indiferent de varsta sau de pozitie sociala sau stare finaciara este si un exercitiu mintal care fortifica mintea si exchilibreaza psihicul in mediul sau natural social in care se afla.
Mai puteti consulta o carte foarte bine scrisa de buni psihiatri si psihoterapeuti francezi,Francoise Lelord si Christophe Andre,vezi si poza de mai jos:

In ceea priveste salutul in intre oameni si lipsa voita a salutului fata de cineva cunoscut sau des intalnit pe langa faptul ca
este un act nefiresc pentru crestini si impotriva credintei este si o insulta la adresa lui Iisus care s-a sacrificat pentru noi cu lasandu-ne deviza "iubeste-ti aproapele".
Pai cum sa-ti iubesti aproapele daca nici macar nu-l saluti?
With regard welcomes between humans and willful lack of greeting to someone known or common besides
is an unnatural act against Christians and faith is also an insult to Jesus who sacrificed himself for us leaving us 'love thy neighbor ' .
Well how to love your neighbor if you did not even say hello ?
Lipsa salutului in general la persoanele inculte semnifica in primul rand o lipsa de toleranta fata de subiectul vizat..
Dovada lipsei de cultura si al orizontului ingust al psihicului acestora este demonstrata si prin semnificatia atribuita de practicanti "iti arat ca nu te bag in seama"!
Unul dintre motivele pentru care admir poporul japonez si iubesc Japonia poate la fel de mult ca Statele Unite este cultura lor si atentia pe care acorda japonezii salutului!Sa nu uitam ca ei nu sunt crestini .Desi nu sunt crestini japonezii depasesc crestinii prin toleranta si respectul aproapelui!
Lack illiterate people greeting generally signifies primarily a lack of tolerance for the subject concerned ..
Proof of lack of culture and the narrow horizon of their psyche is demonstrated and the significance attributed to practitioners " you look like you do not tune out " !
One of the reasons I admire the Japanese people and Japan can love as much as the United States is their culture and the attention given to Japanese greeting ! Do not forget that they are not Christians. Though not exceed Christians by Japanese Christian tolerance and respect neighbor !
Ganditi-va si crestineste ca daca exista,fiul lui Dumnezeu, pe cine credeti ca iubeste Iisus mai mult pe crestinii care se inchina LUI dar nu respecta porunca "iubeste-ti aproapele "sau pe oamenii de alta religie "care nu se inchina LUI dar care o respecta asa ca poporul japonez?
Oare nivelul ridicat de trai al populatiei nipone nu are nici o legatura cu respectul intre conationali?
Sigur are
Respectul general fata de aproapele tau conduce si la o indreptare a cetatenilor unei tari spre un viitor comun si proiecte comune si nu faramitarea acestora in proiecte egoiste si singulare.
Think that if there is a Christian and the son of God, who loves Jesus more than you think Christians who worship but do not observe the commandment "love thy neighbor" or people of another religion "but not worship I respect so Japanese people?
Does the high living standards of the Japanese population has no connection with that between locals?
sure is
General respect towards your neighbor and leads to a smoothing of the citizens of a country towards a common future and common projects and their crumbling not selfish and singular projects.
Iar daca ne uitam la o alta tara asiatica China cu o economie fantastica care a cucerit planeta si toate pietele vedem ca lipsa egoismului si respectul fata de aproapele tau sunt valori univesale creatoare de avutie nationala.
Binenteles o sa insist asupra acestui aspect al tolerantei fata de aproapele nostru si al respectarii valorii celuilalt si din acest motiv ,al unui interes "personal" sau mai degraba national,al contributiei mele la un proiect national comun de marire a avutiei nationale si de constructie a unei tari natale moderne nu codasa in Europa moderna ...
And if we look at another Asian country China with fantastic savings that conquered the planet and all the markets we see selfishness and lack of respect for your neighbor are values The universe creating national wealth. And experience has shown me how to salute and respect the value of other hardening effects and even positive emotional psyche .
I happened to live in a community where I fell in love with a colleague and we shared the feeling being established that have to hide our love from their peers because the owner if we could create troubles us both out .
Well in the morning when we greet , even greeting was also a moment of " love" !
On the way to the office looking to mind all sorts of formulas to enjoy than my girlfriend and she was doing the same!
Put the voice over warmth , the joy of seeing , formulate two or three times " good" and we looked directly and deeply into the eyes.
The day because we work in different offices if we meet either randomly or by job us again saying "Hi, how's it going ", " you all right? " And again we watched as deeply between the eyes with love.
It happens , ironically, want to meet without the toilet where unseen short kiss passionately and then we rush back to work with "batteries charged "
Course will insist on this aspect of tolerance towards our neighbor and respect for each other and therefore the value, of an interest in "personal" or rather national, my contribution to a common national project to enlarge the national wealth and construction a modern native countries in modern Europe ... the last one is not.
Iar experienta mi-a demonstrat ca felul cum saluti ca si respectul fata de valoarea celuilalt are efecte de intarire a psihicului si chiar emotionale pozitive .
Mi s-a intamplat sa traiesc intr-o colectivitate unde m-am indragostit de o colega si sentimentul fiind impartasit noi am stabilit ca trebuie sa ascundem fata de ceilalti colegi dragostea noastra intrucat patronul daca afla ne putea creea neplaceri amandoura.
Ei bine dimineata cand ne salutam,chiar salutul era si un moment de "dragoste"!
Pe drum pana la serviciu cautam in minte tot felul de formule care sa o bucure putin pe iubita mea iar ea facea la fel!
Puneam in voce toata caldura sufleteasca ,bucuria revederii,formulam de doua sau de trei ori"BUNA" si ne priveam direct si profund in ochi .
Peste zi pentru ca lucram in birouri diferite daca ne intalneam fie din intamplare fie cu treaba ne spuneam din nou "BUNA ,cum merge ","La tine tot bine?"si iar ne priveam la fel de profund intre ochi cu dragoste.
Se intampla ,culmea, sa ne intalnim fara sa vrem la toaleta unde nevazuti ne sarutam scurt si nebuneste si apoi ne intoarcem grabiti la treaba cu "bateriile incarcate"
And experience has shown me how to salute and respect the value of other hardening effects and even positive emotional psyche .
I happened to live in a community where I fell in love with a colleague and we shared the feeling being established that have to hide our love from their peers because the owner if we could create troubles us both out .
Well in the morning when we greet , even greeting was also a moment of " love" !
On the way to the office looking to mind all sorts of formulas to enjoy than my girlfriend and she was doing the same!
Put the voice over warmth , the joy of seeing , formulate two or three times " good" and we looked directly and deeply into the eyes.
The day because we work in different offices if we meet either randomly or by job us again saying "Hi, how's it going ", " you all right? " And again we watched as deeply between the eyes with love.
It happens , ironically, want to meet without the toilet where unseen short kiss passionately and then we rush back to work with "batteries charged "
Sigur pana la urma,dupa sapte sau opt luni am fost descoperiti ,iar toata lumea ne-a invidiat pentru curaj spunand "vai ce frumos ,ce romantic"
Si fiecare a inteles de ce treaba mersese atat de bine si avusesem bune rezultate,depasisem toti indicatorii de productie.
In plus colegii au realizat de ce atmosfera era mereu vesela ,constructiva,plina de viata pentru ca dragostea "plutea "mereu in aer .
Of course in the end, after seven or eight months I was discovered, and everyone envied us courage saying "oh how beautiful, how romantic"
And everyone understood what the job had gone so well and I had good results, surpassing all production indicators.
Additionally colleagues realized why the atmosphere was always cheerful, constructive, lively love "floating" in the air constantly.
Think that if there is a Christian and the son of God, who loves Jesus more than you think Christians who worship but do not observe the commandment "love thy neighbor" or people of another religion "but not worship I respect so Japanese people?
Does the high living standards of the Japanese population has no connection with that between locals?
sure is
General respect towards your neighbor and leads to a smoothing of the citizens of a country towards a common future and common projects and their crumbling not selfish and singular projects.
Iar daca ne uitam la o alta tara asiatica China cu o economie fantastica care a cucerit planeta si toate pietele vedem ca lipsa egoismului si respectul fata de aproapele tau sunt valori univesale creatoare de avutie nationala.
Binenteles o sa insist asupra acestui aspect al tolerantei fata de aproapele nostru si al respectarii valorii celuilalt si din acest motiv ,al unui interes "personal" sau mai degraba national,al contributiei mele la un proiect national comun de marire a avutiei nationale si de constructie a unei tari natale moderne nu codasa in Europa moderna ...
And if we look at another Asian country China with fantastic savings that conquered the planet and all the markets we see selfishness and lack of respect for your neighbor are values The universe creating national wealth. And experience has shown me how to salute and respect the value of other hardening effects and even positive emotional psyche .
I happened to live in a community where I fell in love with a colleague and we shared the feeling being established that have to hide our love from their peers because the owner if we could create troubles us both out .
Well in the morning when we greet , even greeting was also a moment of " love" !
On the way to the office looking to mind all sorts of formulas to enjoy than my girlfriend and she was doing the same!
Put the voice over warmth , the joy of seeing , formulate two or three times " good" and we looked directly and deeply into the eyes.
The day because we work in different offices if we meet either randomly or by job us again saying "Hi, how's it going ", " you all right? " And again we watched as deeply between the eyes with love.
It happens , ironically, want to meet without the toilet where unseen short kiss passionately and then we rush back to work with "batteries charged "
Course will insist on this aspect of tolerance towards our neighbor and respect for each other and therefore the value, of an interest in "personal" or rather national, my contribution to a common national project to enlarge the national wealth and construction a modern native countries in modern Europe ... the last one is not.
Iar experienta mi-a demonstrat ca felul cum saluti ca si respectul fata de valoarea celuilalt are efecte de intarire a psihicului si chiar emotionale pozitive .
Mi s-a intamplat sa traiesc intr-o colectivitate unde m-am indragostit de o colega si sentimentul fiind impartasit noi am stabilit ca trebuie sa ascundem fata de ceilalti colegi dragostea noastra intrucat patronul daca afla ne putea creea neplaceri amandoura.
Ei bine dimineata cand ne salutam,chiar salutul era si un moment de "dragoste"!
Pe drum pana la serviciu cautam in minte tot felul de formule care sa o bucure putin pe iubita mea iar ea facea la fel!
Puneam in voce toata caldura sufleteasca ,bucuria revederii,formulam de doua sau de trei ori"BUNA" si ne priveam direct si profund in ochi .
Peste zi pentru ca lucram in birouri diferite daca ne intalneam fie din intamplare fie cu treaba ne spuneam din nou "BUNA ,cum merge ","La tine tot bine?"si iar ne priveam la fel de profund intre ochi cu dragoste.
Se intampla ,culmea, sa ne intalnim fara sa vrem la toaleta unde nevazuti ne sarutam scurt si nebuneste si apoi ne intoarcem grabiti la treaba cu "bateriile incarcate"
And experience has shown me how to salute and respect the value of other hardening effects and even positive emotional psyche .
I happened to live in a community where I fell in love with a colleague and we shared the feeling being established that have to hide our love from their peers because the owner if we could create troubles us both out .
Well in the morning when we greet , even greeting was also a moment of " love" !
On the way to the office looking to mind all sorts of formulas to enjoy than my girlfriend and she was doing the same!
Put the voice over warmth , the joy of seeing , formulate two or three times " good" and we looked directly and deeply into the eyes.
The day because we work in different offices if we meet either randomly or by job us again saying "Hi, how's it going ", " you all right? " And again we watched as deeply between the eyes with love.
It happens , ironically, want to meet without the toilet where unseen short kiss passionately and then we rush back to work with "batteries charged "
Sigur pana la urma,dupa sapte sau opt luni am fost descoperiti ,iar toata lumea ne-a invidiat pentru curaj spunand "vai ce frumos ,ce romantic"
Si fiecare a inteles de ce treaba mersese atat de bine si avusesem bune rezultate,depasisem toti indicatorii de productie.
In plus colegii au realizat de ce atmosfera era mereu vesela ,constructiva,plina de viata pentru ca dragostea "plutea "mereu in aer .
Of course in the end, after seven or eight months I was discovered, and everyone envied us courage saying "oh how beautiful, how romantic"
And everyone understood what the job had gone so well and I had good results, surpassing all production indicators.
Additionally colleagues realized why the atmosphere was always cheerful, constructive, lively love "floating" in the air constantly.
Binenteles o sa insist asupra acestui aspect al tolerantei fata de aproapele nostru si al respectarii valorii celuilalt si din acest motiv ,al unui interes "personal" sau mai degraba national,al contributiei mele la un proiect national comun de marire a avutiei nationale si de constructie a unei tari natale moderne nu codasa in Europa moderna ...
And if we look at another Asian country China with fantastic savings that conquered the planet and all the markets we see selfishness and lack of respect for your neighbor are values The universe creating national wealth. And experience has shown me how to salute and respect the value of other hardening effects and even positive emotional psyche .
I happened to live in a community where I fell in love with a colleague and we shared the feeling being established that have to hide our love from their peers because the owner if we could create troubles us both out .
Well in the morning when we greet , even greeting was also a moment of " love" !
On the way to the office looking to mind all sorts of formulas to enjoy than my girlfriend and she was doing the same!
Put the voice over warmth , the joy of seeing , formulate two or three times " good" and we looked directly and deeply into the eyes.
The day because we work in different offices if we meet either randomly or by job us again saying "Hi, how's it going ", " you all right? " And again we watched as deeply between the eyes with love.
It happens , ironically, want to meet without the toilet where unseen short kiss passionately and then we rush back to work with "batteries charged "
Course will insist on this aspect of tolerance towards our neighbor and respect for each other and therefore the value, of an interest in "personal" or rather national, my contribution to a common national project to enlarge the national wealth and construction a modern native countries in modern Europe ... the last one is not.
Iar experienta mi-a demonstrat ca felul cum saluti ca si respectul fata de valoarea celuilalt are efecte de intarire a psihicului si chiar emotionale pozitive .
Mi s-a intamplat sa traiesc intr-o colectivitate unde m-am indragostit de o colega si sentimentul fiind impartasit noi am stabilit ca trebuie sa ascundem fata de ceilalti colegi dragostea noastra intrucat patronul daca afla ne putea creea neplaceri amandoura.
Ei bine dimineata cand ne salutam,chiar salutul era si un moment de "dragoste"!
Pe drum pana la serviciu cautam in minte tot felul de formule care sa o bucure putin pe iubita mea iar ea facea la fel!
Puneam in voce toata caldura sufleteasca ,bucuria revederii,formulam de doua sau de trei ori"BUNA" si ne priveam direct si profund in ochi .
Peste zi pentru ca lucram in birouri diferite daca ne intalneam fie din intamplare fie cu treaba ne spuneam din nou "BUNA ,cum merge ","La tine tot bine?"si iar ne priveam la fel de profund intre ochi cu dragoste.
Se intampla ,culmea, sa ne intalnim fara sa vrem la toaleta unde nevazuti ne sarutam scurt si nebuneste si apoi ne intoarcem grabiti la treaba cu "bateriile incarcate"
And experience has shown me how to salute and respect the value of other hardening effects and even positive emotional psyche .
I happened to live in a community where I fell in love with a colleague and we shared the feeling being established that have to hide our love from their peers because the owner if we could create troubles us both out .
Well in the morning when we greet , even greeting was also a moment of " love" !
On the way to the office looking to mind all sorts of formulas to enjoy than my girlfriend and she was doing the same!
Put the voice over warmth , the joy of seeing , formulate two or three times " good" and we looked directly and deeply into the eyes.
The day because we work in different offices if we meet either randomly or by job us again saying "Hi, how's it going ", " you all right? " And again we watched as deeply between the eyes with love.
It happens , ironically, want to meet without the toilet where unseen short kiss passionately and then we rush back to work with "batteries charged "
Sigur pana la urma,dupa sapte sau opt luni am fost descoperiti ,iar toata lumea ne-a invidiat pentru curaj spunand "vai ce frumos ,ce romantic"
Si fiecare a inteles de ce treaba mersese atat de bine si avusesem bune rezultate,depasisem toti indicatorii de productie.
In plus colegii au realizat de ce atmosfera era mereu vesela ,constructiva,plina de viata pentru ca dragostea "plutea "mereu in aer .
Of course in the end, after seven or eight months I was discovered, and everyone envied us courage saying "oh how beautiful, how romantic"
And everyone understood what the job had gone so well and I had good results, surpassing all production indicators.
Additionally colleagues realized why the atmosphere was always cheerful, constructive, lively love "floating" in the air constantly.
Sigur pana la urma,dupa sapte sau opt luni am fost descoperiti ,iar toata lumea ne-a invidiat pentru curaj spunand "vai ce frumos ,ce romantic"
Si fiecare a inteles de ce treaba mersese atat de bine si avusesem bune rezultate,depasisem toti indicatorii de productie.
In plus colegii au realizat de ce atmosfera era mereu vesela ,constructiva,plina de viata pentru ca dragostea "plutea "mereu in aer .
Of course in the end, after seven or eight months I was discovered, and everyone envied us courage saying "oh how beautiful, how romantic"
And everyone understood what the job had gone so well and I had good results, surpassing all production indicators.
Additionally colleagues realized why the atmosphere was always cheerful, constructive, lively love "floating" in the air constantly.
Sigur pana la urma,dupa sapte sau opt luni am fost descoperiti ,iar toata lumea ne-a invidiat pentru curaj spunand "vai ce frumos ,ce romantic"
Si fiecare a inteles de ce treaba mersese atat de bine si avusesem bune rezultate,depasisem toti indicatorii de productie.
In plus colegii au realizat de ce atmosfera era mereu vesela ,constructiva,plina de viata pentru ca dragostea "plutea "mereu in aer .
Of course in the end, after seven or eight months I was discovered, and everyone envied us courage saying "oh how beautiful, how romantic"
And everyone understood what the job had gone so well and I had good results, surpassing all production indicators.
Additionally colleagues realized why the atmosphere was always cheerful, constructive, lively love "floating" in the air constantly.
After this event we gave more importance greeting and I started to evaluate different people who used to say hello. I've met enough people who greet as personal interest first and relatives close by and then the people who depend senior bosses or VIP person. They selects people who granted the "privilege" to greet after their own interests, although other people have relationships or work nearby or who meet often in the same places are ignored. They think something like "who are you that I respect you?"Dupa aceasta intamplare am acordat o importanta mai mare salutului si am inceput sa-i evaluez diferit pe oamenii care nu obisnuiau sa salute.Am intalnit destui oameni care saluta conform interesului personal mai intai aproapiati si rude si apoi pe cei de care depind superiori ,sefi sau vip person.Acestia selecteza oamenii carora le acorda "privilegiul" de a-i saluta dupa interesul lor personal,ceilalti oameni desi au relatii de munca sau de vecinatate sau cu care se intalnesc des in acelasi locuri sunt ignorati.Acestia gandesc ceva de genul "cine esti tu ca eu sa te respect "?They imagine that doing so saves energy and time when in fact their minds and their psyche locked reductionist, if it sounds hollow knock is a big gap there. People living in communities small or large forced and natural must be nice to each other for the evolution and development.Ei isi imagineaza ca fac astfel economie de energie si de timp cand de fapt mintea lor este reductionista iar psihicul lor incuiat;daca-l ciocanesti suna a gol ,este un mare gol inauntru.Oamenii traiesc in comunitati fortat mai mici sau mai mari si natural trebuie sa se poarte frumos unii cu ceilalti pentru evolutia si dezvoltarea acesteia.The desire to save energy psychiatric leave from lack of nerve connections , or harmonious relationships with as many people involved and many nerve connections , so it is a vicious circle !Or most of us in November of us who were in school and we liked to stick with something I learned so that neurons die after certain age and "goodbye " you can not do anything , your mind would be or is a decline inversely with age.Either people learn this is imagine that mental fatigue is identical to muscle fatigue , when you go to bed tired .Unfortunately it is wrong , neurons live more as you make more connections , connections between themAnd many connections are Atun you're tired mentally.Brain to compensate for fatigue or overload stops the activity of neurons not spent on the contrary involves many additional neurons lying in the vicinity of the maximum.More fully extended neurons are invigorated by this phenomenon because they are fed extra ! And so Einstein develops his mind ...This phenomenon is called irradiation and comprises a large field in the brain.
Therefore forced to have as many social relationships that you develop such default and brain cortex live longer and thus the man who possesses it ...
Dorinta de a face economie de energie PSIHICA ,pleaca din lipsa de conexiuni nervoase,ori relatii armonioase cu cat mai multi oameni implica si multe conexiuni nervoase,deci este un cerc vicios!Ori majoritatea dintre noi noi dintre cei care am fost la scoala si ne-a placut sa ramanem cu cate ceva,am invatat deci ca neuronii mor dupa anumita varsta si "la revedere" nu mai poti sa faci nimic, mintea ta,ar fi sau este intr-un regres invers proportional cu inaintarea in varsta.Ori oamenii care invata asta is imagineaza ca oboseala psihica este identica cu oboseala musculara ,cand esti obosit te duci la culcare.Din pacate este gresit,neuronii traiesc mai mult cu cat faci mai multe legaturi,conexiuni intre ei.Si conexiuni multe se fac atunci cand esti obosit psihic.Creierul pentru a compensa oboseala sau suprasolicitarea neuronilor nu le opreste activitatea celor uzati dimpotriva implica mai multi neuroni suplimentari din vecinatatea celor intinsi la maximum.Mai mult neuronii intinsi la maximum sunt revigorati de acest fenomen pentru ca sunt hraniti suplimentar!Si asa se dezvolta mintea lui Einstein...Fenomenul respectiv se numeste iradiere si cuprinde un camp mare din creier.Prin urmare fortati sa aveti cat mai multe relatii sociale ca sa va dezvoltati implicit si creierul astfel cortexul traieste mai mult si implicit si omul care-l poseda....
Ori conexiunile nervoase nu se dezvolta daca izolezi creierul de lume adica implicit daca izolezi psihicul intr-o lume stramta si egoista.Oamenii sociabili au si multe conexiuni nervoase pentru ca si le-au dezvoltat permanent prin intretinerea relatiilor sociale.Either nerve connections do not develop brain isolate from the world if that is the default if the psyche isolate a narrow and selfish world. People have been sociable and many nerve connections as they have continuously developed through maintaining social relationships. Isolation creates and maintains ignorance for lack of a relationship with fellow psyche is the source of madness and at the same time her punishment.Izolarea creeaza ignoranta si o intretine pentru ca lipseste psihicul de o relationare cu semenii este izvorul nebuniei si in acelasi timp si pedeapsa ei.Sunt si oameni la fel de egoisti care se prefac ca sunt politcosi dar care in realitate ei doresc sa te incurce.Acestia de exemplu vor sa ajute numai atunci cand esti ocupat ,vorbesti de pilda la telefon,si atunci s-au gasit sa te ajute"pai te-am ajutat zici mersi"si in loc de asta,ei au reusit sa te incurce si apoi isi reclama plata ajutorului ,indignati!
There are just selfish people who pretend to be Policies that but in reality they want to confuse you. Here for example are to help only when you are busy talking on the phone for example, and then you have found to help you "Well I helped ... to say thanks" and instead of this, they were able to confuse you and then they demand the payment of aid, outraged!
A psychiatrist said that the first step to recovery is acceptance that the patient is insane , mentally ill , respectively .
Acceptance is a proof of acceptance of reality.
Sure in my opinion declarative acceptance of a patient can only be a maneuver to avoid some unpleasant consequences than internal belief of the patient.
Between what you said and what crazy really believes is often a big gap .
The clinician works deviant behavior but mainly to try to correct it to a line accepted by the social environment , so the behavior ( and default statements or assessments on disease patient ) early therapy has a greater importance than the patient's belief on his mental health .
But mental illness is an evolutionary process , not a wound or a lack , the absence of a kidney for example .
Am primit iarasi scrisori in care sunt rugat sa explic unele dintre cele scrise pe blog "ce legaturi exista intre nebunie ,ori bolile psihice si mersul pe trotuar sau felul cum circuli cu masina pe strada?" si cum formuleaza cititorul "despre ce principiu ar fi vorba".
Un psihiatru bun spunea ca primul pas spre vindecare este acceptarea pacientului ca este nebun,respectiv bolnav psihic.
Acceptarea este o dovada de acceptare a realitatii.
Sigur din punctul meu de vedere acceptarea declarativa a unui pacient poate fi numai o manevra de evitare a unor consecinte neplacute decat o convingere interna a pacientului.
Intre ceea ce declara un nebun si ceea ce crede cu adevarat este de cele mai multe ori o mare prapastie.
Clinicianul lucreaza insa in principal la comportamentul deviant pentru a incerca sa-l corecteze spre o linie acceptata de mediul social,de aceea comportamentul (si implicit declaratiile,sau aprecierile pacientului privind boala sa) in terapia de inceput are o mai mare importanta decat convingeriile pacientului privind sanatatea sa mintala.
insa boala psihica este un proces evolutiv ,nu o rana sau o lipsa ,ca absenta unui rinichi de pilda.
Am primit iarasi scrisori in care sunt rugat sa explic unele dintre cele scrise pe blog "ce legaturi exista intre nebunie ,ori bolile psihice si mersul pe trotuar sau felul cum circuli cu masina pe strada?" si cum formuleaza cititorul "despre ce principiu ar fi vorba".
Un psihiatru bun spunea ca primul pas spre vindecare este acceptarea pacientului ca este nebun,respectiv bolnav psihic.
Acceptarea este o dovada de acceptare a realitatii.
Sigur din punctul meu de vedere acceptarea declarativa a unui pacient poate fi numai o manevra de evitare a unor consecinte neplacute decat o convingere interna a pacientului.
Intre ceea ce declara un nebun si ceea ce crede cu adevarat este de cele mai multe ori o mare prapastie.
Clinicianul lucreaza insa in principal la comportamentul deviant pentru a incerca sa-l corecteze spre o linie acceptata de mediul social,de aceea comportamentul (si implicit declaratiile,sau aprecierile pacientului privind boala sa) in terapia de inceput are o mai mare importanta decat convingeriile pacientului privind sanatatea sa mintala.
insa boala psihica este un proces evolutiv ,nu o rana sau o lipsa ,ca absenta unui rinichi de pilda.
Acest proces pleaca de undeva ,dintr-un egoism furibund,iar mersul pe mijlocul strazii amuzind-te ca pui in dificultate pe ceilalti trecatori care circula din sens opus pleaca din egoism ca sa ajunga in final la paranoia.
As regards the principle manifestation, whatever it may be, whether it acts saau not understand! Watching TV as a way of life for example involved the subject undergoes obvious manipulations, no matter what state or believes and knows whether or not is therefore subject to the principle!
Therefore I do not recommend illiterate to read anyway because they understand nothing but I wanted to write, or something other than principle.
But writing fulfills the principle that it discovers in this action!
Still to be told friends rather accept that you are uneducated and therefore, for example, do not know the theory of relativity, only later to become mentally ill and having to accept something more serious.
That means to prevent mental illness. rather than treat, because there is effective treatment ...
I mean now you better treat 'chronic self "than his later you can be impossible to treat something!
In ceea priveste manifestarea principiului ,oricare ar fi acesta ,actioneaza indiferent daca il intelegi saau nu!Privitul la televizor ca mod de viata de pilda implica ca subiectul este supus unei manipulari evidente,indiferent de ce declara sau crede si indiferent daca stie sau nu,este deci supus principiului!
De aceea nu recomand incultilor sa citeasca pentru ca vor intelege oricum altceva decat am vrut sa scriu sau ceva diferit decat principiul.
Insa scrierea implineste principiul pentru ca-l descopera in actiunea lui!
Totusi pentru prieteni trebuie spus ca mai degraba accepti ca esti incult si prin urmare,de pilda,nu stii teoria relativitatii,decat mai tarziu sa devii bolnav psihic si sa trebuiasca sa accepti ceva mult mai grav.
Asta inseamna sa previi boala psihica . mai degraba decat sa o tratezi,pentru ca nu exista tratament eficient...
Adica mai bine te tratezi ACUM de "egoism cronic" decat mai tarziu sa -ti fie IMPOSIBIL sa mai poti trata ceva!
When we use the term "deviant" we always consider the social implications of that type of behavior products.
Not the fact itself that we at irregular or unpredictable matter but the effects and potential of this type of behavior.Cand folosim sintagma " comportament deviant "avem mereu in vedere implicatiile sociale produse de acel tip de comportament.Nu faptul in sine ca mergem neregulamentar sau imprevizibil pe strada conteaza ci efectele produse sau potentiale a acestui tip de comportament .
Bravo, que palabras adecuadas..., la idea brillante
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