vineri, 7 martie 2014


Pride in being gay.
The stars came out to the public , victorious , presenting their sexual orientation , Single- A " press conference " as the great achievement , or a claim to fame :
"Yes, I'm gay, I'm proud of it, that I can not afford to be ashamed.
My audience will have the luck and honor to be among you as a gay man I am "
I mean I'm not embarrassed of my sexual orientation , because we guys , so we were born , or more awesome than you.
Girl you hetorosexuali who stationed a banal mediocrity, you are boring me as a homosexual , see how far we've come , God helped me to appear here in front of you , with all my successes , that I'm better than you " ,
Just could say :
 I see mental age of five, I have not been weaned , and keep doing great job on me , always and in public, and every time you feel the need .
And the " Company" as a real mother wipe my ass and brush my misery every time , presenting me, then in my splendor .
You must be happy to have me among you and allow you to see me and after I clean and dirty me ...
The consequences are obvious: the number of bisexuals to " explode " .
Bisexuals have multiplied to such an extent that penetrated everywhere in schools, hospitals, monasteries, in the army, as poilitie , administration in , etcetera , that in all areas.
The confusion between tolerance and propaganda is clear that these stars are in our place, for sure , because they are celebrities and can afford !
Nobody forbids !
Emphasize legalization of homosexuality , as well as their orientation tolerance is something completely different from the propaganda recruiting new followers , turning them
IN bisexual or even gay!
These stars thus manipulates youth propaganda in such a powerful extent that on some of them gay or bisexual makes them .
It is a manipulation that we can not protect our children , fond regarding these stars and finally apply what they have seen and learned from them.
Unless the stars of this phenomenon will be censored , recruiting , recruiting new members homosexuals bulk GAY WILL forever.

Mandria de a fi homosexual.

Vedetele au iesit in fata publicului,victorioase,prezentandu-si orientarea sexuale ,inr-o "conferinta de presa",ca pe mare realizare,sau ca un titlu de glorie:

"Da, sunt homosexual,ma mandresc cu asta,adica nu-mi permit sa-mi fie rusine .

Voi publicul meu aveti norocul si onoarea de a ma avea printre voi ca un homosexual ce sunt"

Adica nu mi-e jena de orientarea mea sexuala,pentru ca noi astia ,asa ne-am nascut, altfel mult  mai grozavi decat voi.

Fata de voi,hetorosexuali,care   cantonati intr-o banala mediocritate,sunteti plictisitori,eu ca homosexual ,vedeti cat de departe am ajuns,m-a ajutat Dumnezeu sa apar aici in fata voastra,cu toate succesele mele ,adica sunt mai bun decat voi",

La fel putea sa zica:

 vedeti am varsta mintala de cinci ani, inca nu am fost intarcat,si continui sa fac treaba mare , pe mine,mereu si in public,si de fiecare data cand simt nevoia.

Iar "SOCIETATEA"ca o adevarata mama ma sterge la fund si ma spala de mizerie de fiecare data,prezentandu-ma, apoi ,in toata splendoarea mea.

Trebuie sa fiti fericiti ca ma aveti printre voi si va permit sa ma vedeti si curat si murdar ,dupa ce   fac pe mine... 

Consecintele sunt evidente: numarul bisexualilor a "explodat" .

Bisexualii s-au inmultit intr-o asemenea masura incat au patruns peste tot in scoli,in spitale,in manastiri,in armata ,ca si poilitie, admnistratie,etcetera,adica in toate domeniile.

Confuzia intre toleranta si propaganda este clara,ele vedetele fac asta in locul nostru ,sigur, pentru ca sunt vedete si isi permit!

Nimeni nu le interzice!

Subliniez Legalizarea homosexualitatii,ca si toleranta fata de orientarea lor este un aspect complet,DIFERIT  fata de PROPAGANDA PRIN CARE RECRUTEAZA NOI ADEPTI,TRANSFORMANDU-I


Aceste vedete prin aceasta propaganda manipuleaza tineretul  intr-o asemnea masura incat pe o parte dintre EI ii transforma in homosexuali ori bisexuali.

Este o manipulare de care nu ne putem feri copiii nostri ,care privesc indragesc aceste vedete si in final APLICA cele ce au vazut si aflat de la ele.


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