miercuri, 22 martie 2017

Neuroscience research

Neuroscience research

We talk about methods and psychological intervention

on the brain

normal or traumatized or even improving techniques and methods for improving mental performance

Cercetări neuro-știință

Vorbim despre metode și intervenții psihologice 

asupra creierului 

normal sau traumatizat sau chiar despre tehnici și metode pentru ameliorarea ,îmbunătățirea performanțelor intelectuale 

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rewire the brain
▾Dictionnaire anglais-français
brain n —cerveau m  ·  cervelle f  ·  lumière f  ·  encéphale m ·  intelligence f
brain —cérébral adj  ·  crânien adj  ·  encéphalique adj
© Dictionnaire Linguee, 2017
▾Sources externes (non révisées)
As a neurophysiologist, I have always dreamed that someday we will be able to rewire the brain to treat devastating diseases," says Medtrode CEO Dr. Souhile Assaf. nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
[...] toujours rêvé qu'un jour, j'arriverais à rétablir les circuits du cerveau pour traiter les maladies débilitantes », confie [...] nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
... I have always dreamed that someday we will be able to rewire the brain to treat devastating diseases. nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
... J'ai toujours rêvé qu'un jour, j'arriverais à rétablir les circuits du cerveau pour traiter les maladies débilitantes. nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
One is www.weepinitiative.ca. The other is www.rewire.me, and that's the ElectroSensitive Society, which has just started [...] www2.parl.gc.ca
Le premier est www.weepinitiative.ca. L'autre est www.rewire.me; il s'agit du site de l'ElectroSensitive Society, qui vient [...] www2.parl.gc.ca
There are no welded fitments; there are only channels so you can rewire and replumb and refit when the latest computer comes along. www2.parl.gc.ca
[...] refaire les circuits et la tuyauterie, les adaptations nécessaires lorsqu'il faut installer l'ordinateur le plus récent. www2.parl.gc.ca
Therefore, an amount you spend to rewire is usually a current expense, as long as the rewiring does not improve the property beyond its original condition. cra-arc.gc.ca
Les dépenses faites pour la remplacer sont habituellement considérées comme des dépenses courantes, si elles n'améliorent pas le bien au-delà de son état original. cra-arc.gc.ca
If a problem occurs in one loudspeaker, rewire that speaker in a different location within the system. bostona.eu
Si un seul haut-parleur présente un problème, rebranchez-le dans un emplacement différent au sein du système. bostona.eu
You just have to rewire your brain to recognize the answers already in front of you. carrieresblogs.info
Vous devez reconnecter juste votre cerveau pour reconnaître les réponses déjà devant vous. carrieresblogs.info
Through CANFAR, astronomers hope to rewire their access to the computational grid through CANARIE virtually, giving them more [...] nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Les astronomes espèrent que CANFAR leur permettra de reconfigurer virtuellement leur accès à la grille de calcul via CANARIE, [...] nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
The problem the company ran up against is that the capital costs for its system are greater than those for a conventional system, but the ongoing operating costs are reduced as companies restructure, add more technologies and rewire their offices. www2.parl.gc.ca
[...] l'installation de ce système sont plus élevées que pour un système conventionnel, mais les coûts d'exploitation permanents sont réduits lorsqu'il est nécessaire de restructurer, d'accroître la technologie ou de refaire le câblage des bureaux. www2.parl.gc.ca
If the problem persists, make sure that the sequencer application supports the ReWire 2 protocol. arkaos.net
Si le problème persiste, vérifiez que l'application supporte le protocole ReWire 2. arkaos.net
For example, due to different electrical codes between Alberta and British Columbia, oil and gas companies must rewire their exploration rigs before taking them from one Province to the next. nacc-web.ca
TRADUCTION] « Par exemple, en raison de codes de l'électricité différents entre l'Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique, les entreprises du secteur du pétrole et du gaz doivent refaire le filage de leurs plates-formes d'exploration avant de les transporter d'une province à l'autre. nacc-web.ca
If ReWire or instrument tracks are being used or MIDI transmitted in real time, the export process will also be performed in real time. assets.celemony.com
Si des pistes ReWire ou des pistes d'instruments sont utilisées ou que des données MIDI sont transmises en temps réel, l'opération d'exportation se fera également en temps réel. assets.celemony.com
Once there is a better understanding of how the brain recovers, physical therapies and drug treatments can be developed to stimulate the brain to repair damaged tissue or to rewire itself when the damage is too great. canadianstrokenetwork.ca
[...] de la capacité de récupération du cerveau, il sera possible d'élaborer les thérapies physiques et pharmacologiques qui aiguillonneront le cerveau pour qu'il répare les tissus endommagés ou se canadianstrokenetwork.ca
Especially in these sectors, it is frequently necessary to rewire during commissioning. wago.com
Dans ces domaines il faut souvent changer le câblage lors de la mise en service. wago.com
The ReWire 2 protocol offers the possibility to route MIDI from a ReWire2 compatible sequencer program to ArKaos VJ, for full MIDI control. arkaos.net
Le protocole ReWire 2 offre la possibilité de diriger le MIDI à partir d'un séquenceur compatible ReWire 2 vers ArKaos VJ, [...] arkaos.net
The main tasks are to install wiring systems into new buildings including homes, businesses and factories, and to rewire or upgrade existing electrical systems so that they conform to building codes and other regulations. tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
Les principales tâches consistent à installer les câbles électriques dans de nouveaux immeubles, incluant des maisons, des entreprises et des usines, ainsi qu'à recâbler ou moderniser les systèmes électriques [...] tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
[...] a MIDI sequencer program running on the same computer under OS 9.x, the most convenient solution is to use ReWire (see page 178). arkaos.net
[...] d'un séquenceur MIDI installé sur le même ordinateur sous OS X, la solution la plus commode est d'utiliser ReWire (voir page 180). arkaos.net
Signals from the tracks can be sent to the outside world via the computer's audio and MIDI interfaces, to other programs that are connected to Live via ReWire or to other tracks or devices within Live. downloads.ableton.com
Les signaux des pistes peuvent être envoyés au monde extérieur via les interfaces audio et MIDI de l'ordinateur, à d'autres programmes connectés à Live via ReWire ou à d'autres pistes ou périphériques à l'intérieur de Live. downloads.ableton.com
Rewire one of the two sources. socomec.es
Recâbler une des deux sources. socomec.es
The Melodyne Bridge, like the ReWire implementation, takes full advantage of multiprocessing architecture (if present) and therefore runs more smoothly [...] assets.celemony.com
Le Melodyne Bridge, conforme à ReWire sur ce plan, tire entièrement parti de l'architecture multiprocesseur (le cas échéant) et fonctionne donc mieux [...] assets.celemony.com
If using ReWire isn't possible, you need to install a third-party application that enables multiple MIDI programs to use the same MIDI device simultaneously, by [...] arkaos.net
Si vous ne pouvez pas utilise ReWire, vous devrez installer une autre application permettant à plusieurs programmes MIDI d'utiliser les mêmes appareils MIDI simultanément, en fournissant des "ports MIDI virtuels". arkaos.net
If you have compiled group tracks or ReWire tracks, these will also be exported at the same time. assets.celemony.com
Si vous avez compilé des groupes de pistes ou des pistes ReWire, ceux-ci seront aussi exportés en même temps. assets.celemony.com
They can just no longer bear the memory of having brain splattered all over their hands. www2.parl.gc.ca
Ils ne peuvent plus supporter le souvenir d'avoir reçu de la cervelle sur leurs mains. www2.parl.gc.ca
The Washington-based arm of the German foundation stressed the need to rewire cooperation on a committee-to-committee basis, recognise the soft-power dimension of Congressional-European Parliament cooperation [...] euractiv.com
La filiale de la fondation allemande basée à Washington a insisté sur le besoin de recadrer la coopération sur une base comité à comité, de reconnaître la dimension du "soft power" de la coopération Congrès-Parlement [...] euractiv.com
On the subject of migration, you emphasised the suppression of the problem, but an effective solution to prevent the brain drain is absent. europarl.europa.eu
S'agissant de l'immigration, vous mettez l'accent sur la nécessité de venir à bout du problème, mais vous n'avancez aucune solution efficace pour contrecarrer l'exode des cerveaux. europarl.europa.eu
[...] and, with not one bit of responsibility accepted for training, there are no qualms about participating in the brain drain. europarl.europa.eu
[...] budgets de la coopération, on participe sans scrupules à la fuite des cerveaux en n'assumant aucune charge de formation. europarl.europa.eu
It recognised in that opinion that based on the quantitative data, the brain, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia and trigeminal ganglia [...] eur-lex.europa.eu
Dans cet avis, il a reconnu que, selon les données quantitatives, la cervelle, la moelle épinière, les ganglions rachidiens et les ganglions [...] eur-lex.europa.eu
Sigur în ceea ce privește creierul ,în principal avem în vedere metode și tehnici de
 ameliorare sau îmbunătățire neinvazive ,
metode la îndemâna tuturor,ușor de aplicat
Mai putem spera la prevenirea alterării complete a materialului neuronal și la evitarea îmbătrânirii prin scoaterea completă a subiecților din activitate din cauza pierderii mobilității?
George Voinea
Certainly in terms of the brain, primarily in mind methods and techniques
  alleviation of or improve non-invasive,
methods available to everyone, easy to apply
We can hope to prevent complete deterioration of neural material and avoid aging by completely removing the subjects of activity due to loss of mobility?(George Voinea)
de Drs.Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang și Bo Cheng
 Progresul în tratamentul demenței
Demența este cea mai importantă și cea mai frecventa boala degenerativă a creierului. Atrofia cerebrală care progresează de mai mulți ani, și atrofie a creierului severa si dementa sunt diferenta clinic de atrofie care apare în mod normal cu îmbătrânirea.
schimbare patologice tarziu la pacientii care au dementa a fost confirmat ca apariția de difuzie atrofie in creier, iar greutatea creierului este de obicei redusă cu cel puțin 20%.
 În plus, girusul devine mai îngustă și santurilor devin mai largi.
Simetria de al treilea ventricul și ventriculul lateral modificările și au diferite grade de expansiune. Microscopic, un număr mare de celule nervoase sunt pierdute, în special în cortexul cerebral, iar nucleele din creier pierde, de asemenea celulele nervoase, in special in sistemul nervos monoamină in trunchiul creierului. Scăderea numărului de neuroni colinergici in ganglionii bazali pot afecta memoria.
Manifestările clinice ale demenței includ: existența unei varietăți de tulburări psihice, inclusiv schimbarea de personalitate, incapacitatea de a aminti cum de a efectua sarcini simple, cum ar fi obiecte de uz casnic sau de uz instrumente, păstrând în continuare capacitatea de a finaliza acțiunea; incapacitatea de a utiliza un stilou, aparat de ras, tacamuri, sau deblocați ceva. Aceste acțiuni nu sunt apraxie ideatic.
Cele mai frecvente Dispraxie sunt incapacitatea de a merge stabil sau cu pași mari. Spre sfarsitul bolii, anumite reflexe sunt dificil de realizat, cum ar fi prinderea și supt, și există alte semne ale bolilor frontale, incontinență urinară și fecală. Pacienții care rămân tăcut va pierde în cele din urmă capacitatea sa de a merge și poate deveni paralizat, cu o incapacitate totală de a avea grijă de ea însăși sau de His-.
Tratament: nu există nici, un tratament eficient oficial pentru această boală.
Wu Stem Cell Centrul Medical (WSCMC), recent, a constatat că tratamentul cu celule stem are un efect direct asupra dementa. Rezultatele a concluzionat: performanța fizică (paralizie a corpului) si performanta non-fizice (cognitive și simptomele psihice) poate preveni progresia de dementa, si poate ajuta pentru a inversa funcției neuronale clinice, în scopul de a îmbunătăți situația pacientului. WSCMC observate prin experimente pe animale ca celulele nervoase care transforma celulele stem neuronale de medicatie nu numai poate crește cantitatea de celule neuronale monoamino in tulpina creierului, dar, de asemenea, poate crește numărul de neuroni de colina ganglionilor bazali în locus coeruleus. Acest lucru se poate schimba situația patologică a membranei celulare, citoplasmă celulelor si nucleul celulei in creier, in scopul de a reduce și a elimina acumularea de proteine ​​deformate.
Informații înrudite:
 Povestiri Demența pacient
by Drs.Like Wu, Xiaojuan Wang and Bo Cheng
 Progress in the Treatment of Dementia
Dementia is the most important and most common degenerative brain disease. Cerebral atrophy that progresses for many years, and severe brain atrophy and dementia are clinically difference from the atrophy that occurs normally with aging.
late pathologic change in patients who have dementia has been confirmed as the appearance of atrophy diffusion in the brain, and the weight of the brain is usually reduced by at least 20%.
 In addition, the gyrus becomes narrower and the sulci become wider.
The symmetry of the third ventricle and lateral ventricle changes and they have different degrees of expansion. Microscopically, a large number of the nerve cells are lost, especially in the cerebral cortex, and the nuclei in the brain also lose nerve cells, especially in monoamine nervous system in the stem of the brain. The decrease in the number of cholinergic neurons in basal ganglia may affect memory.
The clinical manifestations of dementia include: the existence of a variety of mental disorders including personality change, inability to remember how to perform simple tasks like use household items or tools, while still retaining the ability to complete the action; inability to use a pen, razor, tableware, or unlock something. These actions are not ideational apraxia.
The most common dyspraxia are the inability to walk stably or with large steps. Towards the end of disease, certain reflexes are difficult to perform, such as grasping and sucking, and there are other signs of the frontal diseases, urinary and fecal incontinence. Patients that remain silent will eventually lose his or her ability to walk and may become paralyzed, with a complete inability to care for his- or herself.
Treatment: there is no official, effective treatment for this disease.
The Wu Stem Cell Medical Center (WSCMC) recently found that the stem cell treatment has a direct effect on dementia. The results concluded: physical performance (body paralysis) and non-physical performance (cognitive and mental symptoms) can prevent the progression of dementia, and can help to reverse the clinical neural function in order to improve the patient´s situation. WSCMC observed through animal experimentation that the nerve cells that transform neural stem cells by medication not only can increase the amount of monoamine neural cells in the stem of the brain, but also can increase the number of choline basal ganglia neurons in the locus coeruleus. This can change the pathological situation of the cell membrane, cell cytoplasm and cell nucleus in the brain, in order to reduce and remove the accumulation of deformed protein.
Related Information:
 Dementia Patient Stories

The concept of the term "rewire your brain"

The concept of the term "rewire your brain"

If we follow carefully the explanations above we mean by the concept of "rewire your brain" something "reset your brain" that

restart brain as a computer: it may mean something very attractive way to reboot brain more capacity than closing it, or restart future brain function more efficient than the present!

Sure is of greatest interest for everyone who wants high performance

Conceptul ,sintagma ”rewire your brain”

Dacă urmărim cu atenție explicațiile de mai sus înțelegem prin conceptul de ”rewire your brain ”ceva de genul ”reset your brain” adică

repornirea creierului ca un calculator!Poate însemna ceva foarte atractiv un fel repornire a creierului la o capacitate mai mare decât la închiderea lui,sau o repornire viitoare a creierului cu o funcționare mai performantă decât cea prezentă!

Sigur este de interes maxim pentru toată lumea care dorește performanțe înalte!


next is from:


Alzheimer's disease linked to the metabolism of unsaturated fats


March 22, 2017


King's College London


A new study has found that the metabolism of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids in the brain are associated with the progression of Alzheimer's disease.



A new study published in PLOS Medicine's Special Issue on Dementia has found that the metabolism of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids in the brain are associated with the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which causes impaired memory, executive function and language. It accounts for 60 -- 80% of total dementia cases worldwide, with over 46 million people suffering from the disease worldwide. The number of patients is estimated to rise to 131.5 million by 2050.

Currently it is thought that the main reason for developing memory problems in dementia is the presence of two big molecules in the brain called tau and amyloid proteins. These proteins have been extensively studied and have been shown to start accumulating in the brain up to 20 years prior to the onset of the disease. However, there is limited information on how small molecule metabolism in the brain is associated with the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease.

In this study, researchers from King's College London and the National Institute on Aging in the United States looked at brain tissue samples from 43 people ranging in age from 57 to 95 years old. They compared the differences in hundreds of small molecules in three groups: 14 people with healthy brains, 15 that had high levels of tau and amyloid but didn't show memory problems and 14 clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's patients.

They also looked at three different areas in the brain, one that usually shows little tau and amyloid, one that shows more tau and another that shows more amyloid. The main molecules that were different were six small fats, including omegas, which changed in abundance in different regions of the brain.

They found that unsaturated fatty acids were significantly decreased in Alzheimer's brains when compared to brains from healthy patients.

Co-lead author of the study, Dr Cristina Legido Quigley from King's College London said: "While this was a small study, our results show a potentially crucial and unexpected role for fats in the onset of dementia. Most surprisingly we found that a supposedly beneficial omega3, DHA, actually increased with the progression of the disease.

"It is now important for us to build on and replicate these findings in a larger study and see whether it corroborates our initial findings."

Story Source:

Materials provided by King's College London. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:

Stuart G. Snowden, Amera A. Ebshiana, Abdul Hye, Yang An, Olga Pletnikova, Richard O’Brien, John Troncoso, Cristina Legido-Quigley, Madhav Thambisetty. Association between fatty acid metabolism in the brain and Alzheimer disease neuropathology and cognitive performance: A nontargeted metabolomic study. PLOS Medicine, 2017; 14 (3): e1002266 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002266

Cite This Page:




King's College London. "Alzheimer's disease linked to the metabolism of unsaturated fats." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 March 2017. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/03/170322092355.htm>.


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