De ce avem tot mai multi nebuni pe planeta?Pentru ca habar nu avem cum functioneaza creierul.Sau cum functioneaza psihicul!Iar unii medici ce trateaza bolile ce tin de cap, sunt vai de capul lor,adica sunt nebuni de-a binelea.Si pentru ca nu exista un model teoretic coerent.Asta imi spune mie "INCONSTIENTUL"(auzi ce aiureala inconstient)Why have more and more crazy planet?Because we have no idea how the brain works.Or how does the psyche!And some doctors treat diseases related to head, are their necks, that are crazy for real.And because there is no coherent theoretical model.That tells me "NCONSTIENTUL" (hear that nonsense unconsciously)
Dedication to all my friends policemen
Cuvant prevenitor.Trebuie sa recunosc ca primesc scrisori despre cele scrise.O sa le raspund punctual.Nu ma intereseza cine sau ce copiaza de pe site crezand ca ma poate fura.
Cautionary word.I must admit that getting letters about the writing.A point to answer them.I do not care who or what you copy from the site thinking that I can steal.On this public site about ten or more than 15 percent on a topic.Project work "Nirvana principle" for over ten years and have written thousands of pages.Not only to write a book but many, that a cycle of books on the subject these principles.On the other hand knowledge that I recommend you read and pretend that they have never held eye probably a stupid stupid embarrassment to read not yet passed the book and my writing is not addressed to the Romanian public .The book will appear in English can say about elsewhere than in Romania .Otherwise I live , all in Romania And when I said that writing a book some were bothered .Something like : " Look at what he has balls " or " Mr. Do pauper can afford it to write a book ?" Especially because I lied , well see , I write not only a book but many.And started to " write " and he ( or she ) a book to prove something .... Of course one of the reasons why Romania is stagnating and not respect our values , and it is no " value principle . " My writings ditch valuable even if hypothetically would have no valoare.La as good as any man has a value or even if snobs say that if we recognize that there is something good in what he says it means stuffing into account and have to pretend that does not even exist .De asemenea ,am desigur ,in acest proiect, o parte buna inchinata conationalilor mei.Insa nu o sa dezvalui care sau cum este .Nu ma grabesc sa scriu pentru ca fiecare chestiune trebuie cumva verificata si supra-verificata.Si in final daca se poate aplica si ce aplicatii pozitive sau "fericite "poate avea.De exemplu excitatia eu o verific in practica privind fix un interlocutor.Asta este un truc din psihiatrie care fie iti dezvaluie caracterul tau de ne-bun sau de cel de om normal,dupa caz...Repet nu am nevoie de recunoasterea romaneasca ,asa ca ma puteti critica sau nu in fata sau puteti sa nu ma bagati in seama.Proiectul meu merge mai departe.O sa mentionez asta si in capitolul de "PREZENTARE"I also of course, in this project, some good dedicated my countrymen.But I will not reveal who or what it is.'m Not rushing to write that every issue must somehow be checked and over-checked.And finally if you can apply the positive applications or "happy" may have.For example I'll check in the practice arousal staring an interlocutor.That is a trick of psychiatry that reveals your character be your best or at our normal human, as appropriate ...Again I do not need recognition Romanian, so I can not criticize or girl or you do not mind me.My project move forward.I mention this in the chapter "OVERVIEW"
Excitatia face toata distractia.Ce este excitatia?De ce ne excitam?Excitatia sexuala este importanta in viata noastra?Dependenta de sex o boala noua sau o afacere(EXTORCARE) noua?Arousal is all the fun.What is arousal?What excites us?Sexual arousal is important in our lives?Sex addiction a disease or a new business (extortion) new?FEAR OF FINES.
IMPORTANTA EXCITATIEIEXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALA Aceasta inseamna ca nu este propriu-zis importanta ci vitala supravietuirii.Legatura dintre excitatie si boala sau mai exact nebunie este limpede.Ceea ce ne excita ne tulbura si ne schimba sau modifica felul de a fi si a simti si in final ne modifica creierul intr-o directie imprevizibila.Nebunia vine din falsificarea caracterului,sau din incercarea de a ne schimba dupa un model venit din moda ,filme ,reclame sau anturaj.Ne place sa pozam in ceea ce nu suntem si asta peste anumite limite ne innebuneste.Daca ne place ceva sau cineva si nu este in acord cu moda ,de pilda,ne prefacem ca nu ne place.
IMPORTANT EXCITATIONExcitation is universal which means that it is not itself important but vital to survival.Between excitation and related illness or madness exactly clear.What excites us and disturb us change or modify our way of being and feeling and ultimately change our brains in an unpredictable direction.Madness comes from forging character, or attempt to change after we came from fashion model, film, commercials or entourage.We love posing in what we are not and that beyond certain limits us crazy.If we like something or someone and not according to fashion, for example, we pretend we do not like.IMPORTANTA EXCITATIEIEXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALAAceasta inseamna ca nu este propriu-zis importanta ci vitala supravietuirii.Legatua dintre excitatie si boala sau mai exact nebunie este limpede.Ceea ce ne excita ne tulbura si ne schimba sau modifica felul de a fi si a simti si in final ne modifica creierul intr-o directie imprevizibila.Nebunia vine din falsificarea caracterului,sau din incercarea de a ne schimba dupa un model venit din moda ,filme ,reclame sau anturaj.Ne place sa pozam in ceea ce nu suntem si asta peste anumite limite ne innebuneste.Daca ne place ceva sau cineva si nu este in acord cu moda ,de pilda,ne prefacem ca nu ne place.O cale sigura de a inebuni este de a adopta fara masura gusturile altora si de a ne infrana de la propiile placeri atunci cand sunt benigne.Sigur aici nu facem referire doar la comportament ci in special la adoptarea mentala a unui gust strain creierului nostru.Cu cat acel gust este mai nepotrivit creierului nostru cu atat este mai daunator si produce vatamari mai grave.Pentru a ne pastra mintea sanatoasa trebuie sa avem curajul sa fim asa cum suntem.IMPORTANT excitationExcitation is universal which means that it is not itself important but vital to survival.Between excitation and related illness or madness exactly clear.What excites us and disturb us change or modify our way of being and feeling and ultimately change our brains in an unpredictable direction .Madness comes from forging character , or attempt to change after we came from fashion model , film, commercials or entourage .We love posing in what we are not and that beyond certain limits us crazy .If we like something or someone and not according to fashion , for example, we pretend we do not like .One sure way is to adopt the insane immeasurably to the tastes of others, and restrain the pleasures own way when benign .Of course here we do not refer only to behavior but in particular the adoption of a mental taste our brain.As taste is wrong that our brain is both harmful and cause more serious injuries .To keep our minds healthy we must have the courage to be as they are.Sigur este importanata imaginea pe care o avem in societate si felul in care suntem perceputi de ceilalti ,insa cu cat diferenta intre imaginea publica si cea reala este mai mare cu atat creierul nostru este mai tulburat,viciat.Atat barbatii cat si femeile pozeaza in societate ,conform unei imagini impuse.Modele bune sunt putine...Barbatul pozeaza in omul cu muschi iar femeia in persoana independenta.Sau barbatul pozeaza in omul cu avere iar femeia in femeie fatala.Excitatiile rele venite din exterior si care ne bombardeaza peste o anumita masura ne schimba mintea care apoi se revolta si ni se intoarce impotriva noastra.Celor care au inteles le recomand sa aiba curajul de a ramane asa cum este.Trebuie sa fim atenti la excitatiile produse de reclamele TV.Excitatiile produse din reclamele TVproduc un feed-back in general negativ .Sure is important threat picture that we have in society and how they are perceived by others, but the more the difference between the public image and the real is higher so our brain is troubled, flawed.Both men and women posing in society, according to an image imposed.Good models are few ...Man posing in man and the woman in muscle independent person.Or man posing in man and the woman in femme fatale fortune.Bad excitations coming from outside and bombard us over to some extent change our minds revolt and then we turn against us.I recommend those who have understood the courage to remain as is.You must be aware of excitations produced TV ads.Excitations produced from advertisingproduce an overall negative feedback.
EXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALA.TOATA LUMEA SE EXCITA.UNII MAI MULT ALTII MAI PUTIN.VERIFICAREA SE POATE FACE SURPRINZAND SUBIECTUL IN SITUATII INEDITE.SURPRIZA DEZVALUIE CARACTERUL OMULUI,AFLAM ASTFEL CUM,IN CE FEL SE EXCITA SI CARE ESTE PRIMA SA REACTIE.Excitation is universal.Everybody was excited.Some more some less.This may be done surprising topic new situations.SURPRISE reveals human character,AS ARE, how it excites and is the first to react.IN CAZUL IN CARE EXISTA DUBII DE FELUL IN CARE SE EXCITA UN SUBIECT ACESTA POATE FI SURPRINS SI FILMAT FARA SA STIE .IF THERE dubious way in which it can excite a TOPIC be surprised and film LETTING HER KNOW.there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian
FREUD`S HUGE MISTAKEMistake "exciting" of Freud down to zero In the following image we see people who seem happy in that moment they were recording images.Also found that they are also emotional or overwrought.THAT IS EXCITED ..Freud says that the principle NIRVANA excitation involves reducing to zero.The picture proved that there is no happiness without some excitation

Majoritatea barbatilor sunt excitati de o femeie beata daca si numai daca este tanara si sexy.Poate pentru ca se simt in avantaj si considera ca o pot agata mai usor:vor mima ca protejeaza o tanara nevinovata...Most men are aroused by a woman drunk if and only if it is young and sexy.Maybe because they feel they can benefit and believes that clings easier:will mimic that protects an innocent young ...
Un banal zambet pe fata cuiva ne poate excita.A banal smile on someone's face we can excite.

there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian.
FREUD`S HUGE MISTAKEMistake "exciting" of Freud down to zero In the following image we see people who seem happy in that moment they were recording imagesAlso found that they are also emotional or overwrought.THAT IS EXCITED ..Freud says that the principle NIRVANA excitation involves reducing to zero.The picture proved that there is no happiness without some excitation
Excite is the irony.
Someone can surprise us by how dance can suddenly may be a bad dancer.
Daca barbati pasionati de jocuri video intalnim pe toate drumurile si ne lasa evident indiferenti,adica nu ne excita,dimpotriva ne... plictiseste.Altfel stau lucrurile cand este vorba de o fata pasionata .O putem considera pasionala ,si sa facem NOI chiar o PASIUNE ...If men playing video games on all roadsand leave us indifferent obviously, that does not excite us, on the contrary we ... bored.It is different when it is a passionate girl.We can consider passionate, and we really do have a passion.
Excitatia face toata distractia.Ce este excitatia?De ce ne excitam?Excitatia sexuala este importanta in viata noastra?Dependenta de sex o boala noua sau o afacere(EXTORCARE) noua?Arousal is all the fun.What is arousal?What excites us?Sexual arousal is important in our lives?Sex addiction a disease or a new business (extortion) new?FEAR OF FINES.
there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian
EXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALA.TOATA LUMEA SE EXCITA.UNII MAI MULT ALTII MAI PUTIN.VERIFICAREA SE POATE FACE SURPRINZAND SUBIECTUL IN SITUATII INEDITE.SURPRIZA DEZVALUIE CARACTERUL OMULUI,AFLAM ASTFEL CUM,IN CE FEL SE EXCITA SI CARE ESTE PRIMA SA REACTIE.Excitation is universal.Everybody was excited.Some more some less.This may be done surprising topic new situations.SURPRISE reveals human character,AS ARE, how it excites and is the first to react.IN CAZUL IN CARE EXISTA DUBII DE FELUL IN CARE SE EXCITA UN SUBIECT ACESTA POATE FI SURPRINS SI FILMAT FARA SA STIE .IF THERE dubious way in which it can excite a TOPIC be surprised and film LETTING HER KNOW.there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian

Majoritatea barbatilor sunt excitati de o femeie beata daca si numai daca este tanara si sexy.Poate pentru ca se simt in avantaj si considera ca o pot agata mai usor:vor mima ca protejeaza o tanara nevinovata...Most men are aroused by a woman drunk if and only if it is young and sexy.Maybe because they feel they can benefit and believes that clings easier:will mimic that protects an innocent young ...

Un banal zambet pe fata cuiva ne poate excita.A banal smile on someone's face we can excite.

Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.

Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.
Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.

Sure arousal has more grade.
Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...
Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...
Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Sure arousal has more grade.
Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Sure arousal has more grade.
Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Sure apeople can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
eficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
This prelude compel voluntary participation of the other, and getting as large a dose of joy-joy before the act itself.Caresses, smiles laughter even become part of sex and accompanying bring excitement and ultimately produce final satisfaction.Rapist has orgasm and satisfaction by unhappy victims, their aggression and injuries on them.Rapist's satisfaction with pain caused to victims.It tastes so inverted, generally, at home, with friends who accept voluntary initially and then were subjected gradually to torment caused by collisions or deprivation of liberty (like tying your hands behind your back, etc).Originally rapist is by not participating partner satisfaction through .Then passivity and passivity that excites him is gradually conquered the challenge of wounds partner.I honestly do not think there rapist who experienced home before raping someone.I just think there are silent victims of rapists who shame or other reasons, even love for their torturers have not complained.In general specialistii anchetatori au dreptate incadrand violatorii in aceeasi categorie cu criminalii,intrucat violatorul este sau devine criminal intrucat il excita durereile provocate victimilor sale.Iar de aici pana la crima este un pas foarte mic...Generally specialists surrounding investigators are right in the same category as murderers rapists, because the rapist is or becomes criminal because it excites durereile caused his victim.And from here to the crime is a very small step ...Pentru a se transforma in act excitarea trebuie sa aiba un anumit nivel prag.Valoarea pragului este data de nivelul de inteligenta al subiectului,de nivelul sau de instruire si cultura ,de starea sa psihica si de context.De exemplu ,la mine valoarea prag devine imposibil de atins daca ea nu raspunde la "Buna-ziua "Excitatiile sexuale placute si reciproce apar numai in interactiunile placute.To turn into excitement act must have a certain level threshold.The threshold value is given by the level of intelligence of the subject or level of education and culture, the state of his mental and context.For example, my threshold is impossible if it does not respond to "hello"Mutual arousal pleasant and enjoyable interactions occur only.oamenii inteligenti si-au dezvoltat nu doar un control sau supra control asupra excitatiei (aceasta este foarte usor pentru un om inteligent)ci au reusit sa isi gestioneaze propriile excitatii ,adica si le programeaza pentru satisfacere in spatiul lor privat.Omul destept are si abilitatea de a gestiona atat propriile excitatii cat si oamenilor din anturaj,adica ceva de genul:"Stim amandoi ca ne placem si ca ne dorim unul pe celalalt ,hai sa ne intalnim in seara asta sau maine pentru una mica"Omul inteligent gestioneaza nu doar relatiile sale sexuale ci si pe cele de afaceri ,sau culturale sau chiar de serviciu la fel de bine ,spunand ceva de genul:"stim amandoi ca avem interese comune ,vederi comune si probleme comune,hai sa incercam sa le rezolvam impreuna la ora cutare in data cutare..."In concluzie omul inteligent este rapid nu numai in blocarea excitatiilor,ci in programarea satisfacerii lor ulterioare.Adica programeaza o mega satisfactie,pentru ca orice asteptare de ambele parti creeaza o satisfactie dubla pentru ca te pregatesti pentru ea si aceasta mareste excitatia la maximum.Intelligent people have developed not only a control or control over excitation (this is very easy for an intelligent man) but were able to manage their own excitement, meaning and satisfaction in their schedule for their private space.Smartest man has the ability to manage both their excitement and people around them, that is something like:"We both know we like and we want each other, let's meet tonight or tomorrow for a small one"Intelligent man not only manages his sexual relations but also on the business, or cultural or service as well, saying something like:"We both know we have common interests, common views and common problems, let's try to solve them together at such in such and such a date ..."In conclusion intelligent man is fast not only in blocking excitations, but in their subsequent meeting scheduling.Schedule a mega mean satisfaction that any expectations on both sides creates a double satisfaction that you prepare for it and this increases to a maximum arousal.Omul inteligent si aici vorbim de ambele sexe stie ca orice intalnire cu alt om creeaza excitatii,el este inteligent si pentru ca stie sa si le controleze pe ale sale cat si ale celuilalt.Femeia inteligenta are la fel abilitatea de a controla excitatiile sale cat si ale partenerului fara ca acesta sa se simta ofensat sau umilit,sau chiar ranit in orgoliul propriu.Este ca si cum ii spune:"Stim amandoi ca eu te excit lasa-ma sa te satisfac cand am liber"Intelligent man talking here of both sexes know that any encounter with another man creates excitement, he is smart and he knows it and its control them and the other.She has intelligence as the ability to control its excitations and the partner without it feel offended or humiliated, or hurt in propriu.It`s like she says:"We both know I get excited let me meet you when I open"Omul care violeaza este dimpotriva un om lipsit de inteligenta si aceasta lipsa se datoreaza in primul rand lipsei sale de control.Nu o sa auziti spunand pe cineva:"m-a violat un om genial'sau "a fost super-naspa""Barbatul acesta super-destept m-a violat cu tandrete""Mi-a pupat mana inainte sa ma dea cu capul de pereti"."Astept un copil care sa fie super destept procreat cu violatorul meu"Acestea se pot intalni poate doar in filme sau in anumite bancuri.The man who violates is contrary unintelligent man and this lack is due primarily to its lack of control.I do not hear anyone saying:"I raped a man genial'or" was super sucks ""This super-smart man raped me tenderly""I kissed his hand before give me head against the wall.""I expect a child to be super smart procreated with my rapist" They may meet in the movies or maybe some jokes.Adimt ca am banuit cat de importanta era excitatia cand am vazut modificarile produse de efectele excitatie sexuale asupra propriei persoane.Adica toate excitatiile placute sau mai putin placute adica incomode sau chiar rusinoase exercitate de sexul "frumos".Recunosc eu aveam un nas de copoi,influentat de miile de carti politiste citite in copilarie.I suspect Adimt how important it was excitement when I saw the changes caused by arousal effects on themselves.Ie all excitations that is pleasant or less pleasant awkward or embarrassing exercised sex "beautiful".I admit I was a bloodhound nose, Cops influenced thousands of books read in childhood.Concluziile mele legate de excitatie sunt importante intrucat aduce schimbari in prevenirea si combaterea actiunilor vilente adica a violurilor si chiar a crimei organizate. My findings are important because excitement about bringing changes to prevent and combat actions vilente meaning of rape and even organized crime.Excitatia sexuala poate fi educata,pentru ca ceea ce ne excita sexual depinde de trecutul nostru erotic si de cultura noastra si chiar de moda (AUTO)impusa .Excitatia sexuala la barbatii normali depinde de feed-back-ul oferit de sexul opus.Un zambet este normal excitant pentru ca ofera o incurajare,pe cand o reactie de manie sau de incruntare sau de evitare precum intoarcerea ostentativa a capului produce o descurajare a excitatiei. Sexual arousal can be educated, that what excites us sexually erotic depends on our past and our culture and even fashion (AUTO) imposed.Normal male sexual arousal depends on the feedback provided by the opposite sex.A smile is normally exciting because it provides an incentive, while a reaction of angeror frown or avoidance as ostentatious return of the head produces a deterrent excitation.
This prelude compel voluntary participation of the other, and getting as large a dose of joy-joy before the act itself.Caresses, smiles laughter even become part of sex and accompanying bring excitement and ultimately produce final satisfaction.Rapist has orgasm and satisfaction by unhappy victims, their aggression and injuries on them.Rapist's satisfaction with pain caused to victims.It tastes so inverted, generally, at home, with friends who accept voluntary initially and then were subjected gradually to torment caused by collisions or deprivation of liberty (like tying your hands behind your back, etc).Originally rapist is by not participating partner satisfaction through .Then passivity and passivity that excites him is gradually conquered the challenge of wounds partner.I honestly do not think there rapist who experienced home before raping someone.I just think there are silent victims of rapists who shame or other reasons, even love for their torturers have not complained.In general specialistii anchetatori au dreptate incadrand violatorii in aceeasi categorie cu criminalii,intrucat violatorul este sau devine criminal intrucat il excita durereile provocate victimilor sale.Iar de aici pana la crima este un pas foarte mic...Generally specialists surrounding investigators are right in the same category as murderers rapists, because the rapist is or becomes criminal because it excites durereile caused his victim.And from here to the crime is a very small step ...Pentru a se transforma in act excitarea trebuie sa aiba un anumit nivel prag.Valoarea pragului este data de nivelul de inteligenta al subiectului,de nivelul sau de instruire si cultura ,de starea sa psihica si de context.De exemplu ,la mine valoarea prag devine imposibil de atins daca ea nu raspunde la "Buna-ziua "Excitatiile sexuale placute si reciproce apar numai in interactiunile placute.To turn into excitement act must have a certain level threshold.The threshold value is given by the level of intelligence of the subject or level of education and culture, the state of his mental and context.For example, my threshold is impossible if it does not respond to "hello"Mutual arousal pleasant and enjoyable interactions occur only.oamenii inteligenti si-au dezvoltat nu doar un control sau supra control asupra excitatiei (aceasta este foarte usor pentru un om inteligent)ci au reusit sa isi gestioneaze propriile excitatii ,adica si le programeaza pentru satisfacere in spatiul lor privat.Omul destept are si abilitatea de a gestiona atat propriile excitatii cat si oamenilor din anturaj,adica ceva de genul:"Stim amandoi ca ne placem si ca ne dorim unul pe celalalt ,hai sa ne intalnim in seara asta sau maine pentru una mica"Omul inteligent gestioneaza nu doar relatiile sale sexuale ci si pe cele de afaceri ,sau culturale sau chiar de serviciu la fel de bine ,spunand ceva de genul:"stim amandoi ca avem interese comune ,vederi comune si probleme comune,hai sa incercam sa le rezolvam impreuna la ora cutare in data cutare..."In concluzie omul inteligent este rapid nu numai in blocarea excitatiilor,ci in programarea satisfacerii lor ulterioare.Adica programeaza o mega satisfactie,pentru ca orice asteptare de ambele parti creeaza o satisfactie dubla pentru ca te pregatesti pentru ea si aceasta mareste excitatia la maximum.Intelligent people have developed not only a control or control over excitation (this is very easy for an intelligent man) but were able to manage their own excitement, meaning and satisfaction in their schedule for their private space.Smartest man has the ability to manage both their excitement and people around them, that is something like:"We both know we like and we want each other, let's meet tonight or tomorrow for a small one"Intelligent man not only manages his sexual relations but also on the business, or cultural or service as well, saying something like:"We both know we have common interests, common views and common problems, let's try to solve them together at such in such and such a date ..."In conclusion intelligent man is fast not only in blocking excitations, but in their subsequent meeting scheduling.Schedule a mega mean satisfaction that any expectations on both sides creates a double satisfaction that you prepare for it and this increases to a maximum arousal.Omul inteligent si aici vorbim de ambele sexe stie ca orice intalnire cu alt om creeaza excitatii,el este inteligent si pentru ca stie sa si le controleze pe ale sale cat si ale celuilalt.Femeia inteligenta are la fel abilitatea de a controla excitatiile sale cat si ale partenerului fara ca acesta sa se simta ofensat sau umilit,sau chiar ranit in orgoliul propriu.Este ca si cum ii spune:"Stim amandoi ca eu te excit lasa-ma sa te satisfac cand am liber"Intelligent man talking here of both sexes know that any encounter with another man creates excitement, he is smart and he knows it and its control them and the other.She has intelligence as the ability to control its excitations and the partner without it feel offended or humiliated, or hurt in propriu.It`s like she says:"We both know I get excited let me meet you when I open"Omul care violeaza este dimpotriva un om lipsit de inteligenta si aceasta lipsa se datoreaza in primul rand lipsei sale de control.Nu o sa auziti spunand pe cineva:"m-a violat un om genial'sau "a fost super-naspa""Barbatul acesta super-destept m-a violat cu tandrete""Mi-a pupat mana inainte sa ma dea cu capul de pereti"."Astept un copil care sa fie super destept procreat cu violatorul meu"Acestea se pot intalni poate doar in filme sau in anumite bancuri.The man who violates is contrary unintelligent man and this lack is due primarily to its lack of control.I do not hear anyone saying:"I raped a man genial'or" was super sucks ""This super-smart man raped me tenderly""I kissed his hand before give me head against the wall.""I expect a child to be super smart procreated with my rapist" They may meet in the movies or maybe some jokes.Adimt ca am banuit cat de importanta era excitatia cand am vazut modificarile produse de efectele excitatie sexuale asupra propriei persoane.Adica toate excitatiile placute sau mai putin placute adica incomode sau chiar rusinoase exercitate de sexul "frumos".Recunosc eu aveam un nas de copoi,influentat de miile de carti politiste citite in copilarie.I suspect Adimt how important it was excitement when I saw the changes caused by arousal effects on themselves.Ie all excitations that is pleasant or less pleasant awkward or embarrassing exercised sex "beautiful".I admit I was a bloodhound nose, Cops influenced thousands of books read in childhood.Concluziile mele legate de excitatie sunt importante intrucat aduce schimbari in prevenirea si combaterea actiunilor vilente adica a violurilor si chiar a crimei organizate. My findings are important because excitement about bringing changes to prevent and combat actions vilente meaning of rape and even organized crime.Excitatia sexuala poate fi educata,pentru ca ceea ce ne excita sexual depinde de trecutul nostru erotic si de cultura noastra si chiar de moda (AUTO)impusa .Excitatia sexuala la barbatii normali depinde de feed-back-ul oferit de sexul opus.Un zambet este normal excitant pentru ca ofera o incurajare,pe cand o reactie de manie sau de incruntare sau de evitare precum intoarcerea ostentativa a capului produce o descurajare a excitatiei. Sexual arousal can be educated, that what excites us sexually erotic depends on our past and our culture and even fashion (AUTO) imposed.Normal male sexual arousal depends on the feedback provided by the opposite sex.A smile is normally exciting because it provides an incentive, while a reaction of angeror frown or avoidance as ostentatious return of the head produces a deterrent excitation.
This prelude compel voluntary participation of the other, and getting as large a dose of joy-joy before the act itself.Caresses, smiles laughter even become part of sex and accompanying bring excitement and ultimately produce final satisfaction.Rapist has orgasm and satisfaction by unhappy victims, their aggression and injuries on them.Rapist's satisfaction with pain caused to victims.It tastes so inverted, generally, at home, with friends who accept voluntary initially and then were subjected gradually to torment caused by collisions or deprivation of liberty (like tying your hands behind your back, etc).Originally rapist is by not participating partner satisfaction through .Then passivity and passivity that excites him is gradually conquered the challenge of wounds partner.I honestly do not think there rapist who experienced home before raping someone.I just think there are silent victims of rapists who shame or other reasons, even love for their torturers have not complained.In general specialistii anchetatori au dreptate incadrand violatorii in aceeasi categorie cu criminalii,intrucat violatorul este sau devine criminal intrucat il excita durereile provocate victimilor sale.Iar de aici pana la crima este un pas foarte mic...Generally specialists surrounding investigators are right in the same category as murderers rapists, because the rapist is or becomes criminal because it excites durereile caused his victim.And from here to the crime is a very small step ...Pentru a se transforma in act excitarea trebuie sa aiba un anumit nivel prag.Valoarea pragului este data de nivelul de inteligenta al subiectului,de nivelul sau de instruire si cultura ,de starea sa psihica si de context.De exemplu ,la mine valoarea prag devine imposibil de atins daca ea nu raspunde la "Buna-ziua "Excitatiile sexuale placute si reciproce apar numai in interactiunile placute.To turn into excitement act must have a certain level threshold.The threshold value is given by the level of intelligence of the subject or level of education and culture, the state of his mental and context.For example, my threshold is impossible if it does not respond to "hello"Mutual arousal pleasant and enjoyable interactions occur only.oamenii inteligenti si-au dezvoltat nu doar un control sau supra control asupra excitatiei (aceasta este foarte usor pentru un om inteligent)ci au reusit sa isi gestioneaze propriile excitatii ,adica si le programeaza pentru satisfacere in spatiul lor privat.Omul destept are si abilitatea de a gestiona atat propriile excitatii cat si oamenilor din anturaj,adica ceva de genul:"Stim amandoi ca ne placem si ca ne dorim unul pe celalalt ,hai sa ne intalnim in seara asta sau maine pentru una mica"Omul inteligent gestioneaza nu doar relatiile sale sexuale ci si pe cele de afaceri ,sau culturale sau chiar de serviciu la fel de bine ,spunand ceva de genul:"stim amandoi ca avem interese comune ,vederi comune si probleme comune,hai sa incercam sa le rezolvam impreuna la ora cutare in data cutare..."In concluzie omul inteligent este rapid nu numai in blocarea excitatiilor,ci in programarea satisfacerii lor ulterioare.Adica programeaza o mega satisfactie,pentru ca orice asteptare de ambele parti creeaza o satisfactie dubla pentru ca te pregatesti pentru ea si aceasta mareste excitatia la maximum.Intelligent people have developed not only a control or control over excitation (this is very easy for an intelligent man) but were able to manage their own excitement, meaning and satisfaction in their schedule for their private space.Smartest man has the ability to manage both their excitement and people around them, that is something like:"We both know we like and we want each other, let's meet tonight or tomorrow for a small one"Intelligent man not only manages his sexual relations but also on the business, or cultural or service as well, saying something like:"We both know we have common interests, common views and common problems, let's try to solve them together at such in such and such a date ..."In conclusion intelligent man is fast not only in blocking excitations, but in their subsequent meeting scheduling.Schedule a mega mean satisfaction that any expectations on both sides creates a double satisfaction that you prepare for it and this increases to a maximum arousal.Omul inteligent si aici vorbim de ambele sexe stie ca orice intalnire cu alt om creeaza excitatii,el este inteligent si pentru ca stie sa si le controleze pe ale sale cat si ale celuilalt.Femeia inteligenta are la fel abilitatea de a controla excitatiile sale cat si ale partenerului fara ca acesta sa se simta ofensat sau umilit,sau chiar ranit in orgoliul propriu.Este ca si cum ii spune:"Stim amandoi ca eu te excit lasa-ma sa te satisfac cand am liber"Intelligent man talking here of both sexes know that any encounter with another man creates excitement, he is smart and he knows it and its control them and the other.She has intelligence as the ability to control its excitations and the partner without it feel offended or humiliated, or hurt in propriu.It`s like she says:"We both know I get excited let me meet you when I open"Omul care violeaza este dimpotriva un om lipsit de inteligenta si aceasta lipsa se datoreaza in primul rand lipsei sale de control.Nu o sa auziti spunand pe cineva:"m-a violat un om genial'sau "a fost super-naspa""Barbatul acesta super-destept m-a violat cu tandrete""Mi-a pupat mana inainte sa ma dea cu capul de pereti"."Astept un copil care sa fie super destept procreat cu violatorul meu"Acestea se pot intalni poate doar in filme sau in anumite bancuri.The man who violates is contrary unintelligent man and this lack is due primarily to its lack of control.I do not hear anyone saying:"I raped a man genial'or" was super sucks ""This super-smart man raped me tenderly""I kissed his hand before give me head against the wall.""I expect a child to be super smart procreated with my rapist" They may meet in the movies or maybe some jokes.Adimt ca am banuit cat de importanta era excitatia cand am vazut modificarile produse de efectele excitatie sexuale asupra propriei persoane.Adica toate excitatiile placute sau mai putin placute adica incomode sau chiar rusinoase exercitate de sexul "frumos".Recunosc eu aveam un nas de copoi,influentat de miile de carti politiste citite in copilarie.I suspect Adimt how important it was excitement when I saw the changes caused by arousal effects on themselves.Ie all excitations that is pleasant or less pleasant awkward or embarrassing exercised sex "beautiful".I admit I was a bloodhound nose, Cops influenced thousands of books read in childhood.Concluziile mele legate de excitatie sunt importante intrucat aduce schimbari in prevenirea si combaterea actiunilor vilente adica a violurilor si chiar a crimei organizate. My findings are important because excitement about bringing changes to prevent and combat actions vilente meaning of rape and even organized crime.Excitatia sexuala poate fi educata,pentru ca ceea ce ne excita sexual depinde de trecutul nostru erotic si de cultura noastra si chiar de moda (AUTO)impusa .Excitatia sexuala la barbatii normali depinde de feed-back-ul oferit de sexul opus.Un zambet este normal excitant pentru ca ofera o incurajare,pe cand o reactie de manie sau de incruntare sau de evitare precum intoarcerea ostentativa a capului produce o descurajare a excitatiei. Sexual arousal can be educated, that what excites us sexually erotic depends on our past and our culture and even fashion (AUTO) imposed.Normal male sexual arousal depends on the feedback provided by the opposite sex.A smile is normally exciting because it provides an incentive, while a reaction of angeror frown or avoidance as ostentatious return of the head produces a deterrent excitation.
Comertul cu excitatiiLa ora actuala televiziunea face un comert rusinos cu nimic altceva decat excitatia noastra,a tuturor.Intalnim buletine de stiri prezentate cu bustul gol sau topless, o abundenta cu si despre sex .Trade with excitementToday television is a shameful trade with nothing but excitement all of us.Meet newsletters presented shirtless or topless, an abundant and about sex.Comertul cu excitatiiLa ora actuala televiziunea face un comert rusinos cu nimic altceva decat excitatia noastra,a tuturor.Intalnim buletine de stiri prezentate cu bustul gol sau topless, o abundenta cu si despre sex .Trade with excitementToday television is a shameful trade with nothing but excitement all of us.Meet newsletters presented shirtless or topless, an abundant and about sex.Comertul cu excitatiiLa ora actuala televiziunea face un comert rusinos cu nimic altceva decat excitatia noastra,a tuturor.Intalnim buletine de stiri prezentate cu bustul gol sau topless, o abundenta cu si despre sex .Trade with excitementToday television is a shameful trade with nothing but excitement all of us.Meet newsletters presented shirtless or topless, an abundant and about sex

EXCITATIA provocata de forma fetei sau/si de particularitati anatomice ca de exemplu nasul carn si gropite in obraji/Excitation caused by the shape of the face and / or the anatomical features such as the snub nose and dimple.EXCITATIA provocata de forma fetei sau/si de particularitati anatomice ca de exemplu nasul carn si gropite in obraji.Omul cu cat este mai rafinat cu atat are gusturi mai evoluate.Nasul carn sau nasul obraznic pe langa o impunere a profilului denota si unele trasaturi de caracter precum independenta ,sinceritate si curajul sau mandria de a se purta cu demnitate asa cum simte.,adica liber.Excitation caused by the shape of the face and / or the anatomical features such as the snub nose and dimples in obraji.Omul with the more refined tastes have evolved so.Snub nose or nose naughty besides imposition profile and show some character traits such as independence, honesty and courage and pride to wear with dignity as she., Meaning free.
veselia sau bucuria direct exprimate si manifestate este iar prilej de excitare sau ma rog o salva de excitatii . joy or happiness is directly expressed and manifested and excitement or whatever occasion a save excitations.veselia sau bucuria direct exprimate si manifestate este iar prilej de excitare sau ma rog o salva de excitatii . joy or happiness is directly expressed and manifested and excitement or whatever occasion a save excitations.

Some embarrassment, perhaps disgrace, we can excite
De asemenea spaima sau groaza exprimata pe fata cuiva ne amuza adica ne excita. Also expressed fear or terror to anyone's face amuses us that is what excites.

Vrem sa raspundem la cateva intrebari:excitatia poate fi educata?excitatiile provocate de reclame pot fi daunatoare psihicului?Cat putem controla,atunci cand suntem supra-excitati?excitatiile provocate de simpla prezenta a unei fete prietenoase depinde de gusturile noastre au ale celuilalt? Putem bloca o excitatie sau odata declansata suntem pe pilot automat?We want to answer some questions:arousal can be educated?excitations caused by advertisements may be harmful psyche?How we can control when over-excited?excitations caused by the mere presence of friendly faces depends on our tastes of the other?We block the excitation or are triggered once on autopilot?

Cuvant prevenitor.Trebuie sa recunosc ca primesc scrisori despre cele scrise.O sa le raspund punctual.Nu ma intereseza cine sau ce copiaza de pe site crezand ca ma poate fura.
Cautionary word.I must admit that getting letters about the writing.A point to answer them.I do not care who or what you copy from the site thinking that I can steal.On this public site about ten or more than 15 percent on a topic.Project work "Nirvana principle" for over ten years and have written thousands of pages.Not only to write a book but many, that a cycle of books on the subject these principles.On the other hand knowledge that I recommend you read and pretend that they have never held eye probably a stupid stupid embarrassment to read not yet passed the book and my writing is not addressed to the Romanian public .The book will appear in English can say about elsewhere than in Romania .Otherwise I live , all in Romania And when I said that writing a book some were bothered .Something like : " Look at what he has balls " or " Mr. Do pauper can afford it to write a book ?" Especially because I lied , well see , I write not only a book but many.And started to " write " and he ( or she ) a book to prove something .... Of course one of the reasons why Romania is stagnating and not respect our values , and it is no " value principle . " My writings ditch valuable even if hypothetically would have no valoare.La as good as any man has a value or even if snobs say that if we recognize that there is something good in what he says it means stuffing into account and have to pretend that does not even exist .De asemenea ,am desigur ,in acest proiect, o parte buna inchinata conationalilor mei.Insa nu o sa dezvalui care sau cum este .Nu ma grabesc sa scriu pentru ca fiecare chestiune trebuie cumva verificata si supra-verificata.Si in final daca se poate aplica si ce aplicatii pozitive sau "fericite "poate avea.De exemplu excitatia eu o verific in practica privind fix un interlocutor.Asta este un truc din psihiatrie care fie iti dezvaluie caracterul tau de ne-bun sau de cel de om normal,dupa caz...Repet nu am nevoie de recunoasterea romaneasca ,asa ca ma puteti critica sau nu in fata sau puteti sa nu ma bagati in seama.Proiectul meu merge mai departe.O sa mentionez asta si in capitolul de "PREZENTARE"I also of course, in this project, some good dedicated my countrymen.But I will not reveal who or what it is.'m Not rushing to write that every issue must somehow be checked and over-checked.And finally if you can apply the positive applications or "happy" may have.For example I'll check in the practice arousal staring an interlocutor.That is a trick of psychiatry that reveals your character be your best or at our normal human, as appropriate ...Again I do not need recognition Romanian, so I can not criticize or girl or you do not mind me.My project move forward.I mention this in the chapter "OVERVIEW"
Excitatia face toata distractia.Ce este excitatia?De ce ne excitam?Excitatia sexuala este importanta in viata noastra?Dependenta de sex o boala noua sau o afacere(EXTORCARE) noua?Arousal is all the fun.What is arousal?What excites us?Sexual arousal is important in our lives?Sex addiction a disease or a new business (extortion) new?FEAR OF FINES.
IMPORTANTA EXCITATIEIEXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALA Aceasta inseamna ca nu este propriu-zis importanta ci vitala supravietuirii.Legatura dintre excitatie si boala sau mai exact nebunie este limpede.Ceea ce ne excita ne tulbura si ne schimba sau modifica felul de a fi si a simti si in final ne modifica creierul intr-o directie imprevizibila.Nebunia vine din falsificarea caracterului,sau din incercarea de a ne schimba dupa un model venit din moda ,filme ,reclame sau anturaj.Ne place sa pozam in ceea ce nu suntem si asta peste anumite limite ne innebuneste.Daca ne place ceva sau cineva si nu este in acord cu moda ,de pilda,ne prefacem ca nu ne place.

IMPORTANT EXCITATIONExcitation is universal which means that it is not itself important but vital to survival.Between excitation and related illness or madness exactly clear.What excites us and disturb us change or modify our way of being and feeling and ultimately change our brains in an unpredictable direction.Madness comes from forging character, or attempt to change after we came from fashion model, film, commercials or entourage.We love posing in what we are not and that beyond certain limits us crazy.If we like something or someone and not according to fashion, for example, we pretend we do not like.IMPORTANTA EXCITATIEIEXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALAAceasta inseamna ca nu este propriu-zis importanta ci vitala supravietuirii.Legatua dintre excitatie si boala sau mai exact nebunie este limpede.Ceea ce ne excita ne tulbura si ne schimba sau modifica felul de a fi si a simti si in final ne modifica creierul intr-o directie imprevizibila.Nebunia vine din falsificarea caracterului,sau din incercarea de a ne schimba dupa un model venit din moda ,filme ,reclame sau anturaj.Ne place sa pozam in ceea ce nu suntem si asta peste anumite limite ne innebuneste.Daca ne place ceva sau cineva si nu este in acord cu moda ,de pilda,ne prefacem ca nu ne place.O cale sigura de a inebuni este de a adopta fara masura gusturile altora si de a ne infrana de la propiile placeri atunci cand sunt benigne.Sigur aici nu facem referire doar la comportament ci in special la adoptarea mentala a unui gust strain creierului nostru.Cu cat acel gust este mai nepotrivit creierului nostru cu atat este mai daunator si produce vatamari mai grave.Pentru a ne pastra mintea sanatoasa trebuie sa avem curajul sa fim asa cum suntem.IMPORTANT excitationExcitation is universal which means that it is not itself important but vital to survival.Between excitation and related illness or madness exactly clear.What excites us and disturb us change or modify our way of being and feeling and ultimately change our brains in an unpredictable direction .Madness comes from forging character , or attempt to change after we came from fashion model , film, commercials or entourage .We love posing in what we are not and that beyond certain limits us crazy .If we like something or someone and not according to fashion , for example, we pretend we do not like .One sure way is to adopt the insane immeasurably to the tastes of others, and restrain the pleasures own way when benign .Of course here we do not refer only to behavior but in particular the adoption of a mental taste our brain.As taste is wrong that our brain is both harmful and cause more serious injuries .To keep our minds healthy we must have the courage to be as they are.Sigur este importanata imaginea pe care o avem in societate si felul in care suntem perceputi de ceilalti ,insa cu cat diferenta intre imaginea publica si cea reala este mai mare cu atat creierul nostru este mai tulburat,viciat.Atat barbatii cat si femeile pozeaza in societate ,conform unei imagini impuse.Modele bune sunt putine...Barbatul pozeaza in omul cu muschi iar femeia in persoana independenta.Sau barbatul pozeaza in omul cu avere iar femeia in femeie fatala.Excitatiile rele venite din exterior si care ne bombardeaza peste o anumita masura ne schimba mintea care apoi se revolta si ni se intoarce impotriva noastra.Celor care au inteles le recomand sa aiba curajul de a ramane asa cum este.Trebuie sa fim atenti la excitatiile produse de reclamele TV.Excitatiile produse din reclamele TVproduc un feed-back in general negativ .Sure is important threat picture that we have in society and how they are perceived by others, but the more the difference between the public image and the real is higher so our brain is troubled, flawed.Both men and women posing in society, according to an image imposed.Good models are few ...Man posing in man and the woman in muscle independent person.Or man posing in man and the woman in femme fatale fortune.Bad excitations coming from outside and bombard us over to some extent change our minds revolt and then we turn against us.I recommend those who have understood the courage to remain as is.You must be aware of excitations produced TV ads.Excitations produced from advertisingproduce an overall negative feedback.
EXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALA.TOATA LUMEA SE EXCITA.UNII MAI MULT ALTII MAI PUTIN.VERIFICAREA SE POATE FACE SURPRINZAND SUBIECTUL IN SITUATII INEDITE.SURPRIZA DEZVALUIE CARACTERUL OMULUI,AFLAM ASTFEL CUM,IN CE FEL SE EXCITA SI CARE ESTE PRIMA SA REACTIE.Excitation is universal.Everybody was excited.Some more some less.This may be done surprising topic new situations.SURPRISE reveals human character,AS ARE, how it excites and is the first to react.IN CAZUL IN CARE EXISTA DUBII DE FELUL IN CARE SE EXCITA UN SUBIECT ACESTA POATE FI SURPRINS SI FILMAT FARA SA STIE .IF THERE dubious way in which it can excite a TOPIC be surprised and film LETTING HER KNOW.there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian
FREUD`S HUGE MISTAKEMistake "exciting" of Freud down to zero In the following image we see people who seem happy in that moment they were recording images.Also found that they are also emotional or overwrought.THAT IS EXCITED ..Freud says that the principle NIRVANA excitation involves reducing to zero.The picture proved that there is no happiness without some excitation

Majoritatea barbatilor sunt excitati de o femeie beata daca si numai daca este tanara si sexy.Poate pentru ca se simt in avantaj si considera ca o pot agata mai usor:vor mima ca protejeaza o tanara nevinovata...Most men are aroused by a woman drunk if and only if it is young and sexy.Maybe because they feel they can benefit and believes that clings easier:will mimic that protects an innocent young ...

there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian.
FREUD`S HUGE MISTAKEMistake "exciting" of Freud down to zero In the following image we see people who seem happy in that moment they were recording imagesAlso found that they are also emotional or overwrought.THAT IS EXCITED ..Freud says that the principle NIRVANA excitation involves reducing to zero.The picture proved that there is no happiness without some excitation

Excite is the irony.

Someone can surprise us by how dance can suddenly may be a bad dancer.

Excitatia face toata distractia.Ce este excitatia?De ce ne excitam?Excitatia sexuala este importanta in viata noastra?Dependenta de sex o boala noua sau o afacere(EXTORCARE) noua?Arousal is all the fun.What is arousal?What excites us?Sexual arousal is important in our lives?Sex addiction a disease or a new business (extortion) new?FEAR OF FINES.
there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian
EXCITATIA ESTE UNIVERSALA.TOATA LUMEA SE EXCITA.UNII MAI MULT ALTII MAI PUTIN.VERIFICAREA SE POATE FACE SURPRINZAND SUBIECTUL IN SITUATII INEDITE.SURPRIZA DEZVALUIE CARACTERUL OMULUI,AFLAM ASTFEL CUM,IN CE FEL SE EXCITA SI CARE ESTE PRIMA SA REACTIE.Excitation is universal.Everybody was excited.Some more some less.This may be done surprising topic new situations.SURPRISE reveals human character,AS ARE, how it excites and is the first to react.IN CAZUL IN CARE EXISTA DUBII DE FELUL IN CARE SE EXCITA UN SUBIECT ACESTA POATE FI SURPRINS SI FILMAT FARA SA STIE .IF THERE dubious way in which it can excite a TOPIC be surprised and film LETTING HER KNOW.there are religious excitement.For this kind of excitation advantage clergymen.Cult of relics became the national sport in Romanian

Majoritatea barbatilor sunt excitati de o femeie beata daca si numai daca este tanara si sexy.Poate pentru ca se simt in avantaj si considera ca o pot agata mai usor:vor mima ca protejeaza o tanara nevinovata...Most men are aroused by a woman drunk if and only if it is young and sexy.Maybe because they feel they can benefit and believes that clings easier:will mimic that protects an innocent young ...

Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.

Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.
Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.Sau o pozitie amuzanta.Ne poate face fericiti in clipa aceea.Si aceasta se intampla pentru ca ne-a excitat.A fall fun.Or a funny position.We can happy in that moment,and only because us excited.

Sure arousal has more grade.
Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...
Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...
Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Sure arousal has more grade.
Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Sure arousal has more grade.
Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Sure apeople can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
eficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Sigur ca am studiat multi ani excitatia.Mi-a creat mari probleme la pubertate cand ma excitau toate parasutele.Asa de exemplu eram cu o prietena la o petrecere si in loc sa-i acord ei atentia cuvenita dansam numai cu fetele imbracate cat mai sumar.Asta pana m-a pocnit prietena mea si mi-a dat papucii la un astfel de chef."Ori ramai cu mine ori iti plac boarfele."Prietena mea,de atunci era o profesoara de biologie,complexata ca avea sanii mici.Aveam cu ea o relatie foarte romantica .Duminica mergeam impreuna la cinematograf si ne plimbam cateva ore prin oras ,mana in mana,discutand despre carti si filme iar in pauzele de conversatie ne sarutam.In timpul saptamanii,In pauzele dintre ore,ne intalneam in parc unde ii aduceam flori,doi covrigi si un iaurt.Manca repede si apoi ne plimbam ca doi copii tinandu-ne de mana.Era o tipa super desteapta trei diplome, un doctorat si doua carti publicate.Fuma ca un birjar si tipa ca o apucata cand avea orgasm.A murit dupa o operatie de implant mamar,de la o complicatie.Si ma simt vinovat!Poate daca evitam ,cel putin de fata cu ea sa ma uit dupa femeile cu sanii mari ,poate zic, nu facea pasul asta.Din "pacate" nu chirugul a fost vinovat ci ea care suferea de o boala genetica ,care a izbucnit dupa operatie.La inceput deci ma excitau femeile cu sanii mari apoi cele cu fundul mare apoi cele super destepte.Asta a fost evolutia.Acum sunt teribil de excitat de oamenii destepti.Nu ma pot opri sa incerc sa-i cunosc pentru ca nu-mi pot controla inca excitatia.Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Of course I studied many years arousal.I created big problems puberty when I was horny all the parachutes.So for example, I was with a friend at a party and instead give him the proper attention they only dance with girls dressed as summary.That is until I hit my girlfriend dumped me in such a mood. "Either stay with me or you like shit."My girlfriend at the time was a professor of biology, complex as having small breasts.I was with her a very romantic relationship.Sunday we went together to the cinema and walk a few hours in the city, hand in hand, talking about books and movies and kissing in conversation breaks.During the week, In-between hours, we met in the park, where brings flowers, two bagels and yogurt.Eat quickly and then we walked the two children holding our hands.It was a super smart girl three degrees, a doctorate and two books published.Smoke as a driver and as a girl when he grabbed orgasm.He died after a breast implant surgery from a complication.And I feel guilty! Maybe if avoided, at least in front of her to look after women with large breasts may say, do not do this step.From "unfortunately" not guilty but her surgeon was suffering from a genetic disease, which broke out after surgery.At first I so horny women with big boobs then those big ass then the super smart.That was evolution.Acum sunt excitat de oamenii destepti.Cum intalnesc un om destept, cum incerc sa aflu cum a ajuns asa de destept.Imi abandonez interesele ca sa-l trag de limba.Sigur prefer femeile destepte in defavoarea barbatilor...Now smart people are excited.How to meet a clever man like trying to find out how he got so smart.Abandon my interests to pull him language.Of course men prefer smart women at the expense ...Insist asupra excitatiei si asupra nivelului sau cantitatii de excitatie pentru ca un nivel prea crescut de excitatie te imbolnaveste mintal iar un nivel prea scazut de excitatie te imbolnaveste organic.Insa daca pentru un nivel scazut de excitatie este usor sa o cresti utilizand substante legale precum cafea ,tutun sau alcool,pentru un nivel crescut de excitatie este mult mai greu .Oamenii supra-excitati comit fapte antisociale .Comit crime ,ataca alti oameni nevinovati ,sau provoaca imense distrugeri.Excitatia este deci de o maxima importanta pentru sanatatea mintala.omul care isi controleaza excitatiile este sanatos psihic.Insist on excitation and the level or amount of excitation for excitation level is too high you mentally ill and too low excitation organic sicknes you.But if the low level of excitation is easy to grow using legal substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol to an increased level of arousal is more difficult.Over-excited people commit antisocial acts.Commit crimes, attack other innocent people and causing immense damage.Arousal is of utmost importance to mental health.the man who controls the excitations is sane.excitatia surpriza este una prin care suntem excitati intens de o alta persoana(sau persoane) .Surpriza poate fi benefica sau ...malefica.Adica unii pot face,sau chiar fac, stop cardiac.arousal surprise is one that we are intensely aroused by another person (or persons).Surprise can be beneficial or ... evil.I mean some people can do or do cardiac arrest.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.
In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Excitatia surpriza antreneaza creierul .Este ca lupte.Un campion se pregateste intens punandu-si prietenii sa-l atace cand nu este atent.Aceasta il caleste.Train your brain arousal surprise.'s Like fighting.A champion is preparing intensively putting his friends to attack him when he's not careful.This cook it.In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.In Romania se produce un viol la fiecare zece ore.Se pot scrie mii de carti pe aceasta tema,a violului,eu o sa subliniez doar din punctul de vedere al excitatiei si al descarcarii acesteia fara control.Trebuie stiut ca persoana care comite un viol si este prins are un gust special.Adica violul este invatat ,este repetat anterior ,poate in joaca,cu prietena sau prietenii cu mult timp inainte. Arousal followed by rape is sadly one of the most common negative public excitement.In Romanian a rape occurs every ten hours.You can write thousands of books on the topic of rape, I'll just point out in terms of excitation and its download without control.You should know that the person is caught committing a rape and special tastes.That rape is learned previously is repeated, perhaps playing with girlfriend and friends long before.Pe acesti oameni ii excita lipsa de dorinta ,impotrivirea,scarba sau greata ,sau chiar ura victimei.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor sexul este o mare bucurie,de aceea preludiul este o parte importanta a actului.Dezbracarea treptata ,voluntara a femeii produce o excitatie universala a barbatului,de aici si succesul cluburilor cu strip-tease.
Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.Acest preludiu obliga la participarea voluntara a celuilalt, si la obtinera unei doze cat mai mari de bucurie-fericire inaintea actului propriu-zis.Mangaierile, zambetele chiar rasul devin parte a actului sexual si aduc excitatii ce insotesc si produc in cele din urma satisfactia finala.Violatorul are orgasm sau obtine satisfactie prin nefericirea victimelor,prin agresiunea asupra lor si ranirea lor.Violatorul are satisfactie prin durerile provocate victimelor.Este deci un gust inversat,antrenat ,in general acasa,cu prietene care initial il acceptau voluntar apoi erau supuse,treptat, la chinuri produse prin loviri sau lipsire de libertate(gen legarea mainilor la spate,etc) .Initial violatorul are satisfactie prin neparticiparea partenerei,prin pasivitatea sa.Apoi pasivitatea il excita si este cucerit gradat prin provocare de rani partenerei.Sincer nu cred ca exista violator care nu a experimentat acasa inainte de a viola pe cineva.Cred doar ca exista victime tacute ale violatorilor care de rusine sau din alte motive,chiar dragoste fata de tortionarii lor nu l-au reclamat.Excite these people lack the desire, reluctance, disgust or nausea, or hatred of the victim.For most people sex is a joy, so foreplay is an important part of the act.Undressing gradual voluntary excitation produces a universal woman man, hence the success of the strip clubs.
This prelude compel voluntary participation of the other, and getting as large a dose of joy-joy before the act itself.Caresses, smiles laughter even become part of sex and accompanying bring excitement and ultimately produce final satisfaction.Rapist has orgasm and satisfaction by unhappy victims, their aggression and injuries on them.Rapist's satisfaction with pain caused to victims.It tastes so inverted, generally, at home, with friends who accept voluntary initially and then were subjected gradually to torment caused by collisions or deprivation of liberty (like tying your hands behind your back, etc).Originally rapist is by not participating partner satisfaction through .Then passivity and passivity that excites him is gradually conquered the challenge of wounds partner.I honestly do not think there rapist who experienced home before raping someone.I just think there are silent victims of rapists who shame or other reasons, even love for their torturers have not complained.In general specialistii anchetatori au dreptate incadrand violatorii in aceeasi categorie cu criminalii,intrucat violatorul este sau devine criminal intrucat il excita durereile provocate victimilor sale.Iar de aici pana la crima este un pas foarte mic...Generally specialists surrounding investigators are right in the same category as murderers rapists, because the rapist is or becomes criminal because it excites durereile caused his victim.And from here to the crime is a very small step ...Pentru a se transforma in act excitarea trebuie sa aiba un anumit nivel prag.Valoarea pragului este data de nivelul de inteligenta al subiectului,de nivelul sau de instruire si cultura ,de starea sa psihica si de context.De exemplu ,la mine valoarea prag devine imposibil de atins daca ea nu raspunde la "Buna-ziua "Excitatiile sexuale placute si reciproce apar numai in interactiunile placute.To turn into excitement act must have a certain level threshold.The threshold value is given by the level of intelligence of the subject or level of education and culture, the state of his mental and context.For example, my threshold is impossible if it does not respond to "hello"Mutual arousal pleasant and enjoyable interactions occur only.oamenii inteligenti si-au dezvoltat nu doar un control sau supra control asupra excitatiei (aceasta este foarte usor pentru un om inteligent)ci au reusit sa isi gestioneaze propriile excitatii ,adica si le programeaza pentru satisfacere in spatiul lor privat.Omul destept are si abilitatea de a gestiona atat propriile excitatii cat si oamenilor din anturaj,adica ceva de genul:"Stim amandoi ca ne placem si ca ne dorim unul pe celalalt ,hai sa ne intalnim in seara asta sau maine pentru una mica"Omul inteligent gestioneaza nu doar relatiile sale sexuale ci si pe cele de afaceri ,sau culturale sau chiar de serviciu la fel de bine ,spunand ceva de genul:"stim amandoi ca avem interese comune ,vederi comune si probleme comune,hai sa incercam sa le rezolvam impreuna la ora cutare in data cutare..."In concluzie omul inteligent este rapid nu numai in blocarea excitatiilor,ci in programarea satisfacerii lor ulterioare.Adica programeaza o mega satisfactie,pentru ca orice asteptare de ambele parti creeaza o satisfactie dubla pentru ca te pregatesti pentru ea si aceasta mareste excitatia la maximum.Intelligent people have developed not only a control or control over excitation (this is very easy for an intelligent man) but were able to manage their own excitement, meaning and satisfaction in their schedule for their private space.Smartest man has the ability to manage both their excitement and people around them, that is something like:"We both know we like and we want each other, let's meet tonight or tomorrow for a small one"Intelligent man not only manages his sexual relations but also on the business, or cultural or service as well, saying something like:"We both know we have common interests, common views and common problems, let's try to solve them together at such in such and such a date ..."In conclusion intelligent man is fast not only in blocking excitations, but in their subsequent meeting scheduling.Schedule a mega mean satisfaction that any expectations on both sides creates a double satisfaction that you prepare for it and this increases to a maximum arousal.Omul inteligent si aici vorbim de ambele sexe stie ca orice intalnire cu alt om creeaza excitatii,el este inteligent si pentru ca stie sa si le controleze pe ale sale cat si ale celuilalt.Femeia inteligenta are la fel abilitatea de a controla excitatiile sale cat si ale partenerului fara ca acesta sa se simta ofensat sau umilit,sau chiar ranit in orgoliul propriu.Este ca si cum ii spune:"Stim amandoi ca eu te excit lasa-ma sa te satisfac cand am liber"Intelligent man talking here of both sexes know that any encounter with another man creates excitement, he is smart and he knows it and its control them and the other.She has intelligence as the ability to control its excitations and the partner without it feel offended or humiliated, or hurt in propriu.It`s like she says:"We both know I get excited let me meet you when I open"Omul care violeaza este dimpotriva un om lipsit de inteligenta si aceasta lipsa se datoreaza in primul rand lipsei sale de control.Nu o sa auziti spunand pe cineva:"m-a violat un om genial'sau "a fost super-naspa""Barbatul acesta super-destept m-a violat cu tandrete""Mi-a pupat mana inainte sa ma dea cu capul de pereti"."Astept un copil care sa fie super destept procreat cu violatorul meu"Acestea se pot intalni poate doar in filme sau in anumite bancuri.The man who violates is contrary unintelligent man and this lack is due primarily to its lack of control.I do not hear anyone saying:"I raped a man genial'or" was super sucks ""This super-smart man raped me tenderly""I kissed his hand before give me head against the wall.""I expect a child to be super smart procreated with my rapist" They may meet in the movies or maybe some jokes.Adimt ca am banuit cat de importanta era excitatia cand am vazut modificarile produse de efectele excitatie sexuale asupra propriei persoane.Adica toate excitatiile placute sau mai putin placute adica incomode sau chiar rusinoase exercitate de sexul "frumos".Recunosc eu aveam un nas de copoi,influentat de miile de carti politiste citite in copilarie.I suspect Adimt how important it was excitement when I saw the changes caused by arousal effects on themselves.Ie all excitations that is pleasant or less pleasant awkward or embarrassing exercised sex "beautiful".I admit I was a bloodhound nose, Cops influenced thousands of books read in childhood.Concluziile mele legate de excitatie sunt importante intrucat aduce schimbari in prevenirea si combaterea actiunilor vilente adica a violurilor si chiar a crimei organizate. My findings are important because excitement about bringing changes to prevent and combat actions vilente meaning of rape and even organized crime.Excitatia sexuala poate fi educata,pentru ca ceea ce ne excita sexual depinde de trecutul nostru erotic si de cultura noastra si chiar de moda (AUTO)impusa .Excitatia sexuala la barbatii normali depinde de feed-back-ul oferit de sexul opus.Un zambet este normal excitant pentru ca ofera o incurajare,pe cand o reactie de manie sau de incruntare sau de evitare precum intoarcerea ostentativa a capului produce o descurajare a excitatiei. Sexual arousal can be educated, that what excites us sexually erotic depends on our past and our culture and even fashion (AUTO) imposed.Normal male sexual arousal depends on the feedback provided by the opposite sex.A smile is normally exciting because it provides an incentive, while a reaction of angeror frown or avoidance as ostentatious return of the head produces a deterrent excitation.

Comertul cu excitatiiLa ora actuala televiziunea face un comert rusinos cu nimic altceva decat excitatia noastra,a tuturor.Intalnim buletine de stiri prezentate cu bustul gol sau topless, o abundenta cu si despre sex .Trade with excitementToday television is a shameful trade with nothing but excitement all of us.Meet newsletters presented shirtless or topless, an abundant and about sex.Comertul cu excitatiiLa ora actuala televiziunea face un comert rusinos cu nimic altceva decat excitatia noastra,a tuturor.Intalnim buletine de stiri prezentate cu bustul gol sau topless, o abundenta cu si despre sex .Trade with excitementToday television is a shameful trade with nothing but excitement all of us.Meet newsletters presented shirtless or topless, an abundant and about sex.Comertul cu excitatiiLa ora actuala televiziunea face un comert rusinos cu nimic altceva decat excitatia noastra,a tuturor.Intalnim buletine de stiri prezentate cu bustul gol sau topless, o abundenta cu si despre sex .Trade with excitementToday television is a shameful trade with nothing but excitement all of us.Meet newsletters presented shirtless or topless, an abundant and about sex


EXCITATIA provocata de forma fetei sau/si de particularitati anatomice ca de exemplu nasul carn si gropite in obraji/Excitation caused by the shape of the face and / or the anatomical features such as the snub nose and dimple.EXCITATIA provocata de forma fetei sau/si de particularitati anatomice ca de exemplu nasul carn si gropite in obraji.Omul cu cat este mai rafinat cu atat are gusturi mai evoluate.Nasul carn sau nasul obraznic pe langa o impunere a profilului denota si unele trasaturi de caracter precum independenta ,sinceritate si curajul sau mandria de a se purta cu demnitate asa cum simte.,adica liber.Excitation caused by the shape of the face and / or the anatomical features such as the snub nose and dimples in obraji.Omul with the more refined tastes have evolved so.Snub nose or nose naughty besides imposition profile and show some character traits such as independence, honesty and courage and pride to wear with dignity as she., Meaning free.
veselia sau bucuria direct exprimate si manifestate este iar prilej de excitare sau ma rog o salva de excitatii . joy or happiness is directly expressed and manifested and excitement or whatever occasion a save excitations.veselia sau bucuria direct exprimate si manifestate este iar prilej de excitare sau ma rog o salva de excitatii . joy or happiness is directly expressed and manifested and excitement or whatever occasion a save excitations.

Some embarrassment, perhaps disgrace, we can excite

Vrem sa raspundem la cateva intrebari:excitatia poate fi educata?excitatiile provocate de reclame pot fi daunatoare psihicului?Cat putem controla,atunci cand suntem supra-excitati?excitatiile provocate de simpla prezenta a unei fete prietenoase depinde de gusturile noastre au ale celuilalt? Putem bloca o excitatie sau odata declansata suntem pe pilot automat?We want to answer some questions:arousal can be educated?excitations caused by advertisements may be harmful psyche?How we can control when over-excited?excitations caused by the mere presence of friendly faces depends on our tastes of the other?We block the excitation or are triggered once on autopilot?
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