duminică, 16 februarie 2014

Handling media arousal and sexual orientation .MANIPULAREA MEDIA A EXCITATIEI SI A ORIENTARII SEXUALE

Manipularea media a excitatiei si a orientarii sexuale
Cum putem ajunge sa gandim gresit fara voia noastra?
Foarte simplu ,doar privind la televizor si adoptand comportamente de acolo.
O declaratie facuta de o vedeta zilele trecute:
"am ajuns aici pentru ca sunt gay"
Pai asta este manipulare sexuala.
Ceva de genul "trebuie" sa urmeze in mintea noastra:
"pai daca ea a ajuns acolo astfel,pentru ca este gay,eu de ce nu as face la fel?"
Handling media arousal and sexual orientation
How do we get our unwilling to think wrong?
Very simple, just watching TV and adopting behaviors there.
A statement made by a celebrity day:
"I came here because I'm gay"
Well this is sexual manipulation.
Something like "must" follow in our minds:
"Well, if she got there so that is gay, why would not I do the same?"

Of course the star was successful because it is gay or whatever, lesbian mean that we hide behind the fingers,
We wonder how successful it would have if it was only that, a heterosexual?
You want to be successful "do thou likewise" a super handling.
Sigur vedeta a avut succes pentru ca este gay sau, ma rog ,lesbiana adica ce ne mai ascundem dupa degete,
Ne intrebam ce succes ar fi avut daca era asa numai atat ,heterosexuala?
Vrei sa ai succes "FA SI TU LA FEL" o strasnica manipulare.


In Eastern Europe in my country exactly,in Romanian, two famous singers
  manele kissing on the mouth in public
In estul Europei mai exact la mine in tara ,in Romania,doi celebri cantareti de
 manele se saruta pe gura in public

Florin Salam
 l-a sarutat pe gura pe Adrian Minune

Barry Manilow
  kissed him on the mouth on Adrian Peterson


Pai vedem limpede este acum o moda noua ,vedetele  de acelasi sex se saruta intre ele.
Televiziunea prezinta sarutul si obtine rating ,publicul este in delir nu-i asa excitat,
Ce importanta mai are ca este o "cuvioasa"manipulare,indecenta si de un desavarsit prost gust?
Ce mai  conteaza ca fanii vedetei X sau Y vor incerca sa-i copieze,iar alti mii de tineri vor descoperi ca au subit ganduri si atractii homesexuale.
In concluzie toata lumea va fi fericita ,alte cateva milioane de adulti vor gandi ca homosexualitatea nu-i ceva detestabil,uite cat de draguti sunt acesti oameni la televizor,etc.
Si noi de ce sa nu ne lasam manipulati uite cat de frumose sunt SANDRA  BULLOOCK
si Scarlett Johansson
 Well see clearly is now a new fashion stars of the same sex kissing each other.
Television shows kiss and get ratings, the public is not so excited delirium,
What difference does it is a "pious" handling an accomplished indecency and bad taste?
What counts as fans star X or Y will try to emulate, and the other thousands of young people will find that they suddenly  thoughts homosexual and attractions.
In conclusion, everyone will be happy, a million other adults will think that homosexuality is not something detestable, look how cute are these people on TV, etc..
And why can not we let look how  manipulated beautiful  Sandra BULLOOCK
and Scarlett Johansson

Sigur Sandra este o actrita talentata care dupa comportament ar avea in plus o substanta foarte cunoscuta ,specifica barbatilor si anume testosteronul.Dupa cum se stie sangele unei persoane contine doua tipuri de testosteron :testosteron legat si testosteron liber.Testosteronul legat se ataseaza de moleculele  organismului si devine inactiv,cel liber este responsabil pentru virilitatea si potenta persoanei,iar cand este in exces poate provoca stari de furie si agresivitate.Unul dintre motivele succesului la femei al barbatilor agresivi este desigur si prezenta in exces a testosteronului liber.Prezenta la femei a testosteronului in exces aduce in comportament reactii specific masculine.Testosteronul la femei care este produs in principal in ovare,trebuie sa fie aproximativ cu 25 procente mai putin decat la barbati.La femei hormonii specifici sexului sunt estrogenii care sunt hormonii ce o feminizeaza si fac frumoasa...Rolul  testosteronului la femei este   aprinderea dorintei sexuale pentru un partener de sex opus. Efectele excesului de testosteron la femei de blocare a dorintei sexuale spre un partener de sex opus.
Nu stim daca Sandra Bullock are mai mult testosteron liber decat alocat cuplului,totusi o vedem atacand  alte vedete de sex feminin  pe scena exact ca un mascul feroce...

Sure Sandra is a talented actress that their behavior would be in addition a substance well known , specific men namely testosterone.
As you know a person's blood contains two types of testosterone : testosterone bound and free testosterone .
Testosterone bound molecules attach themselves to the body and becomes inactive , the pool is the person responsible for virility and potency , and when in excess can cause feelings of anger and aggression .
One of the reasons for the success of men's women 's aggressive course and this excess free testosterone .
This excess testosterone in women bring specific responses of male behavior .
Testosterone in women is produced mainly in the ovaries , should be approximately 25 percent less than men .
In women, sex hormones are estrogens that are specific hormones that a feminized and make beautiful ...
The role of testosterone in women is igniting sexual desire for the opposite sex partner . The effects of excess testosterone in women sex drive lock to a partner of the opposite sex .
We do not know Sandra Bullock has more free testosterone than allocated torque , though we see attacking other female stars on stage like a macho ...

Sure and Madonna start

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