sâmbătă, 8 februarie 2014


Sexual orientation, heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual is determined excitation

Orientarea sexuala, heterosexuala,homosexuala sau bisexuala este decisa de EXCITATIE

Orientarea sexuala, heterosexuala,homosexuala sau bisexuala este decisa de EXCITATIE

Sexual orientation, heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual is determined excitation.

Excitatia este responsabila de felul cum suntem,cum ne comportam ,ne influenteaza viata intr-un fel sau altul,in bine sau in rau ,adica este determinativ pentru existenta noastra.

Excitatia determina orientarea noastra sexuala.

De felul in care ne deprindem sa ne excitam ,va depinde intr-o masura hotaratoare orientarea noastra sexuala.

Vom deveni heterosexuali,daca ne excita doar sexul opus,homosexuali daca ne excita doar sexul nostru,sau bisexuali daca suntem excitati ,psiho-sexual, de ambele sexe.

Arousal is responsible for the way we are, how we behave, influences our lives in one way or another, for better or worse, that is determinative for our existence. 
Arousal determine our sexual orientation. 
The way we learn to excite us, will depend to a decisive extent our sexual orientation. 
We become heterosexual if we only excite the opposite sex, homosexual sex if we only excite us or bisexual if you're excited, psycho-sexual, of both sexes.
The way we learn to sexually excite us depends on many factors, external and internal. 
The interns are genetic and are represented by the external environment, family and school environment, and in particular television and surfing the internet point and even fashion and music in general media.
Felul cum ne deprindem sa ne excitam sexual depinde de mai multi factori,externi si interni.
Cei interni sunt genetici  iar cei externi sunt reprezentati de  mediul  inconjurator, familie si scoala,anturaj si in mod special,de televiziune si subliniez de navigarea pe internet si chiar de moda muzicala si in general de mass-media.
Sure how we excite depends on the culture and our religion. 
But in all societies in which there is the free Internet television and how we learn to Excite is addicted to these latter two. 
The influence of television and the Internet in education is proven and we can not neglect. 
Their influence is nefarious or positive discussion and can perpetuate unnecessary. 
It is unnecessary because it is a phenomenon of such magnitude, that it is impossible to stop. 
The discussion can carry around negative. 
What solutions exist. 
We will handle this. 
We will deal only strictly our subject. 
And we emphasize the role of television and the internet in our sex determination. 
That is the role of television and the Internet in transforming our lesbian and gay. 
Sure we highlight the positive role of television and the Internet in our education so school musical sex, etc. ..
Sigur felul in care ne excitam depinde si de cultura si de religia noastra .
insa in toate societatle in care exista la  liber televiziune si internet felul in care invatam sa ne excitam este depedent de acestea doua din urma.
Influenta televiziunii si a internetului in educatie este dovedita si nu o putem neglija.
Influenta lor nefasta sau pozitiva este o discutie perpetua si poate  inutila.
Este inutila intrucat este un fenomen de o asemenea amploare ,incat este imposibil de stavilit.
Discutia se poate purta in jurul efectelor negative.
Si ce solutii ar exista.
Nu ne vom ocupa de asta.
Ne vom ocupa doar strict de subiectul nostru.
Si vom sublinia rolul televiziunii si a internetului in determinarea noastra sexuala.
Adica rolul televiziunii si internetului in transformarea noastra in lesbiene si homosexuali.
Sigur vom sublinia si rolul pozitiv al televiziunii si al internetului in educatia noastra atat  sexuala muzicala sau scolara,etc..

One of the negative effects of television and the Internet and delicate is inciting violence.
It will be treated in a special chapter
But since we are talking about all the news excitation must be specified as violent attacks, like robbery, murder or rape are also excited, and cause or incite to violence in some certain susceptible people.
As action movies, horror et., Inducing and causes.
Everything we see is exciting.
Everything we see on television or on the internet is very exciting.
A child without education, without previous training, only on TV can go crazy.

As people of good faith we preoccupy our future and therefore our children's education.
Unul dintre efectele negative al televiziunii si al internetului si  mai delicat este instigarea la violenta.
Acesta va fi tratat intr-un capitol special
Insa intrucat vorbim despre excitatie trebuie specificat ca toate stirile cu atacuri violente,gen jafuri,crime sau violuri sunt DE ASEMENEA EXCITANTE,si provoaca sau instiga la violenta pe anumite anumite persoane sensibile.
La fel filmele de actiune,de groaza et.,induc si provoaca.
Tot ceea ce vedem este EXCITANT.
Tot ceea vedem la televiziune sau pe internet este  foarte excitant.
Un copil fara educatie,fara o pregatire prealabila, doar privind la televizor poate inebuni.
 Ca oameni de buna credinta ne procupa viitorul nostru si prin urmare educatia copiilor nostri.

Excite rudeness?/Impolitetea excita?
A teenager says :
"You know how I increased my father right?
No showers allowed to go on a date with boys than if my father or mother , or grandmother they knew in advance that boy .
All the guys who were my schoolmates and had to drink a beer with my dad first and if they receive his consent was not allowed to meet him in some conditions that seemed too tight to me .
The boy was forced to lift me at home and ask me for that either the father was at home when either the mother or even grandmother .
This boy who I love , was handsome and tidy but very naughty .
He lived close and we often met by chance , I was out taking out the trash , and he played tennis with the leg with one of the children of neighbors .
Or went to the school where he was both a year older .
He was rude, did not greet me , never pushed me sometimes , though gently , often swore at me .
But it was exciting, it excites me every time I saw him , I felt a void in my stomach grab dizziness.
Most times I hated talking:
 " bitch Nicole went to work ! "
"Why do I say that"?
" You're a whore like your mother ? " .
"'s Not true" !
"If you know what that bitch? Do not see me, all my bitches are complex , like you !"
One day I kissed behind the Dumpster .
I desperately device , but I am to anyone for fear .

O adolescenta povesteste:
"Stii cum m-a crescut tatal meu,nu-i asa?
Nu averam voie sa merg la intalnire cu baieti decat daca tatal meu sau mama ,sau bunica il cunosteau ,in prealabil pe baiatul respectiv.
Toti baietii care nu-mi erau si colegi de scoala trebuiau sa bea o bere cu tatal meu mai  intai si daca primeam acordul lui aveam voie sa ma intalnesc cu el in niste conditii  ce mie mi se pareau prea stricte.
Baiatul era obligat sa ma ridice de acasa si ma ceara,pentru asta fie de la tata cand era acasa fie de la mama fie chiar de la bunica.
Acest baiat de care m-am indragostit ,era chipes si curatel dar si foarte obraznic.
Locuia in apropierea  casei noastre si ne intalneam deseori din intamplare,eu iesisem sa duc gunoiul,iar el juca tenis cu piciorul cu unul dintre copii vecinilor.
Sau mergeam la scoala unde invatam amandoi el fiind cu un an mai mare.
Era nepoliticos,nu ma saluta niciodata,ma imbrancea uneori, totusi cu delicatete,de multe ori m-a injurat.
Insa era excitant,ma excita de fiecare data,cand il vedeam,simteam un gol in stomac de ma apuca ameteala.
De cele mai multe ori vorbea urat cu mine:
"Curva Nicole a plecat la munca!"
"De ce imi spui asa ceva"?
"Nu esti curva ca si maica-ta? ".
"Nu este adevarat"!
"Parca tu stii ce-i aia CURVA"?
Nu ma vezi ,toate curvele sunt complexate de mine,ca si tine!
Intr-o zi m-a sarutat in spatele ghenei de gunoi.
But I like kissing me.
I had held hands, firmly but without hurting me, kissed me first on one ear, or I think I licked her, then her cheeks and finally tried and mouth but because I strongly resisted, only managed to wipe my lips, then triumphantly shouting "I had a little bitch" He liked the shampoo smelled of apples.
I could call for help but I did not, I was moved to tears, pleasure.
Once home, I ran to my room and stayed in bed for a long time that I relived that moment magic.
I did not wash my face until evening, not to break the spell.
I was still very unhappy, I could not understand why I like this behavior, ugly and rude.

Si not understand what excites me.
The next day he changes completely the behavior.
Initially I thought it was the fear of not being poured his parents.
He started to say hello: "Hello my dear"
I looked at him stupefied, thinking it knows!
Totusi mi-a placut cum ma sarutase.Imi prinsese mainile ,ferm,dar fara sa ma raneasca,m-a sarutat mai intai pe o ureche,sau cred ca mi-a lins-o, apoi pe obraji si la urma a incercat si pe gura ,insa pentru ca ma impotriveam puternic,a reusit doar sa-mi stearga buzele,strigand apoi victorios "te-am avut,o mica curva"El mirosea placut a sampon de mere.
Puteam sa strig dupa ajutor insa nu am facut,eram emotionata pana la lacrimi ,de placere.
Ajunsa acasa,am fugit in camera mea si am stat in pat o ora timp in care am retrait clipa aceea fermecata.
Nu m-am spalat pe fata pana seara,ca sa nu rup vraja.
Eram totusi ,foarte nemultumita,nu reuseam sa inteleg de ce imi place,acest comportament ,urat si nepoliticos.
Si mai ales nu intelegeam de ce ma excita.
A doua zi el isi schimba,complet comportamentul.
Initial am crezut ca este din frica de a nu fi turnat parintilor sai.
A inceput sa salute:"Buna draga mea"
Eu l-am privit stupefiata,crezusem ca nu stie!
Wherever he comforted me, for I have feared, I make all kinds of statements, I was invited to meet in the park and he apologized.
Peak one evening accompanied me to Moll, where shopping.
She said firmly, "lest get hurt."
When we returned we kissed again with my permission this time.
And so began our romance.
And only later I understood why I loved him.
I understood that I had been raised with more bans, locked in an ivory tower, protected to the maximum, as
Dad said, "protected from the evil of this world, great trash, the filth that surrounds us"
No wonder then that I fell in love near the garbage disposal.
He represented the unknown world with its mystery, indecipherable, November unexpected emotions and excitement.
Ma mangaia pe pe unde apuca ,caci ma feream,imi facea tot felul de declaratii,ma invita la intalniri in parc si si-a cerut si scuze.
Culmea intr-o seara m-a insotit pana la Moll,unde mergeam la cumparaturi.
Mi-a zis ferm,"sa nu cumva sa patesti ceva."
Cand ne-am intors ne-am sarutat iarasi cu acordul meu,de data asta.
Si asa a inceput idila noastra.
Si doar mai tarziu am inteles de ce ma indragostisem de el.
Am inteles ca fusesem crescuta cu multe interdictii ,incuiata ,intr-un turn de fildes,protejata la maximum,cum
zicea tata,"protejata de raul acestei lumi ,de MARELE GUNOI, de mizeria care ne inconjoara"
Nu este de mirare deci ca m-am indragostit langa ghena de gunoi.
El reprezenta lumea necunoscuta cu misterul ei,nedescifrat ,cu emotii si excitatii noi nebanuite."

The father of this girl is my friend.
It's called Steve and programmer by profession.
He lived when the child has grown into a three-room apartment.
She was terrified of what might undoing his face, why might see on TV, or simply surfing the internet.
To protect up to 12 years Nicole was not allowed to have a TV in her room.
  And the computer was disconnected from the Internet after eleven o'clock in the evening.
Computer as the TV channels were blocked some Internet addresses broadside.
Girl has increased by fear of parents "do not know my", "not something to find my father," etc..
Tatal acestei fetite imi este prieten.
Se numeste Steve si este programator de profesie.
Locuia atunci cand si-a crescut copilul intr-un apartament de trei camere.
Era infricosat de ce putea sa pateasca fata lui,de ce ar putea sa vada la televizor,sau navigand pur si simplu pe internet.
Ca sa o protejeze,pana la 12 ani Nicole nu a avut dreptul sa aiba televizor in camera ei.
 Iar calculatorul era deconectat de la internet dupa ora unsprezece seara.
Calculatorul ca si televizorul aveau  blocate   unele canale si adrese de internet deochiate.
Fata a crecut cu frica de parinti "sa nu stie ai mei","sa nu cumva sa afle tata",etc.

Fear of parents do not keep you warm, it is because of many troubles.
Parintii closest friends.
The child gets to hide some issues due punishment
. Penalty can be represented and a ban or more ..
Of course in this case, following a child raised with bans is, in general, may have trouble in love life or in a competition.
Disappearing parental protection he can not handle it alone.
Frica de parinti nu tine de cald,este pricina multor necazuri.
Parintii trebuie sa fie cei mai apropiati prieteni.
Copilul ajunge sa ascunda unele chestiuni datorita pedepselor
.Pedeapsa poate fi reprezentata si  de o interdictie sau mai multe..
Sigur in cazul in speta ,urmarea unui copil crescut cu interdictii este,in general, ca poate avea necazuri in viata amoroasa sau intr-o competitie.
Disparand protectia parinteasca el nu se poate descurca singur.
Speaking of that father Steve, he admits he had many fears about the child or Nicole.
He feared not become a lesbian (it was fashionable)
feared lest they broke drug or feared lest his face begin sexual life earlier than 18 years!
Discutand cu acel tata Steve ,el recunoaste ca avea multe temeri in privinta copilului sau Nicole.
Se temea sa nu devina lesbiana (era la moda)
se temea sa nu cumva sa se apuce de droguri,sau temea ca fata lui sa  nu cumva sa  inceapa viata sexuala mai devreme de 18 ani!
Nicole has not reached a lesbian, nor ever sailed on a porn site, not started drug has never smoked.
I do not drink at all and works ten hours a day, conscientious.
It was and remains a good kid.
In her free time reading or watching a movie.
Not going anywhere and has few friends.
He has two children as quietly as she, nor a husband.
She had two husbands. Both spouses who conceived children left her.
Helps parents to raise children.
I feel like saying "how it works" and said a great writer humorist  british Jerome K. Jerome. (Who read it to understand the humor)
Nicole nu a ajuns lesbiana,nici nu navigat vreodata pe un site porno,nu s-a apucat de droguri,nu a fumat niciodata.
Nu bea deloc si lucreaza zece ore,pe zi, constiincioasa.
A fost si a ramas un copil cuminte.
In timpul liber citeste sau vizioneaza un film.
Nu se duce nicaieri si are putini prieteni.
Are doi copii la fel de cuminti ca si ea ,si nici un sot.
A avut doi soti .Amandoi sotii cu care a conceput copii au parasit-o.
Parintii o ajuta sa-si creasca copiii.
Iti vine sa spui "Asa merg lucrurile"precum spunea un mare scriitor umorist englez Jerome K. Jerome.(cine l-a citit o sa inteleaga,umorul )

Did Nicole's troubles began because of sexual initiation at age 13 and a half? Or because at the age of fifteen years
(unfulfilled) of the first child?
Children are children are guilty?
Or we humans or society are guilty?
Oare necazurile lui Nicole au inceput din cauza inceperea  vietii sexuale la varsta de 13 si jumatate?Sau datorita faptului ca la varsta de cinsprezece ani
(neimpliniti)a nascut primul copil ?
Copii care fac copii sunt vinovati?
Sau noi oamenii sau societatea suntem vinovati?

Multiple consequences
In the United States one of the effects of early start of sexual life is That forty percent of girls aged 18 have already suffered one of the SEXUALLY Transmitted Diseases Such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea!

Consecinte multiple
In the United States one of the effects of early start of sexual life is that forty percent of girls aged 18 have already suffered one of the sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea!
Precise data presented on the average age at which they start sexual life should be taken as such, that only orioentativ.
Do not confuse the average age Minimum age!
Precizari datele prezentate privind varsta medie la care incep viata sexuala  trebuiesc luate ca atare,adica doar orioentativ.
Nu confundati varsta medie cu varsta minima !

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