luni, 10 februarie 2014


Canadian teen convicted of 'sexting' photos of boyfriend's ex
By Kevin Conlon, CNN

January 11, 2014 -- Updated 0319 GMT (1119 HKT)

 -- A Canadian teenage girl has been found guilty of distributing child pornography in connection with "sexting" pictures of her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, the youth crown prosecutor for Victoria said Friday.
The British Columbia case of the then 16-year-old, who is not identified because she is a minor, is believed to be one of the first cases in Canada where a teenager has been convicted of child pornography charges related to "sexting."
The teenager, who also was convicted of uttering threats, is out on bail while awaiting sentencing, Crown Prosecutor Chandra Fisher said. She declined to speculate on what sentence the teen might face.
 Discussion around students and sexting
Calling the case "precedent-setting," Fisher said the case should serve as a warning to teens about what they text and post online.
The case began in November 2012 when the teen learned that her 17-year-old boyfriend was still in contact with his former girlfriend.
"The accused was not at all happy that he was still in touch with his ex," Fisher told CNN.
The teenager initially threatened the ex-girlfriend on Facebook, the prosecutor said. She then texted five explicit pictures of the ex-girlfriend that she found on her boyfriend's phone to a group of people, Fisher said.
The teen's attorney, Christopher Mackie, said the charges were inappropriate.
"Our sights have always been set on the constitutional question. ...She never denied that she did this," he told CNN. "Online bullying, yes. Child pornography, no."
When bullying goes high-tech
10% of tweens, teens have 'sexted'


Sure man I worked a little in the media love and appreciate CNN.
I have seen many reports more than perfect
  made by professionals from CNN.
But CNN does not share the assessment of the proportion of young people as re sexting practice it would be only ten percent.
The phenomenon is much broader.
Sigur ca om care am lucrat  ,putin, in presa, iubesc si apreciez CNN.
Am vazut multe reportaje mai mult decat perfecte
 facute de profesionistii de la CNN.
Insa nu impartasim aprecierea CNN privind procentul tinerilor ca re practica sexting ca ar fi de numai de zece procente.
Fenomenul este mult mai amplu.

Sexting involves the excitement and the challenge is based on mutual excitations participants.
Most adults do sexting in a period of life when they are in love.
 Unless they are accompanied permanently loved one , we conclude that adults do not sexting a certain period , reveals that they are not lovers. !
Sexting activity is triggered from a lack , namely the absence of physical contact .
Adults go to work, or temporarily separated for some objective reasons , and separated from loved this time feel the need to communicate thoughts, feelings or emotions of the other and make him not feel no partner .
Originally compensation sexting was absent sex or physical contact pads of the two partners .
As technology has advanced and large production sara phones and cameras accompanied performant led explosion sexting phenomenon and decreased almost brutal age persons who are sexting .
Such gifted children with phones last guy and pushed by their older friends or fashion came to practice it as a new game card manufacturer because soon discovered how exciting it can be.
Either one of Nirvana law says that an activity that was found to be a source of pleasure comes to be repeated until saturation .
Or countless repeated until they cause pain or pleasure that when you stop a cause or is replace
 Sexting -ul presupune excitatii si se bazeaza pe provocarea de excitatii reciproce participantilor.
Majoritatea adultilor fac sexting intr-o perioada a vietii,atunci cand sunt indragostiti.
 In afara de cazul ca sunt insotiti, permanent ,de persoana iubita,putem concluziona ca adultii care nu fac sexting intr-o anumita perioada,dezvaluie ca nu sunt  indragostiti.!
Activitatea de sexting este declansata dintr-o lipsa si anume din lipsa contactelor fizice.
Adultii plecati la munca ,sau provizoriu separati din anumite motive obiective,si despartiti de persoana iubita in aceasta perioada de timp  simt nevoia de comunice  ,ganduri ,sentimente sau emotii celuilalt si sa-l faca sa nu simta lipsa partenerului.
La origine,sextingul era compensare a absentei sexului,sau a contactelor fizice placute dintre doi parteneri.
Intrucat tehnica a avansat iar producerea telefoanelor mobile pe sara larga insotite si de camere video perfomante a dus explozia fenomenului de sexting si scaderea aproape brutala a varstei  persoanelor care fac sexting.
Astfel copii dotati cu telefoane de ultimul tip si impinsi de prietenii lor mai mari sau de moda au ajuns sa-l practice ca un joc nou producator de placere intrucat au descoperit  imediat cat de excitant poate fi.
Ori una dintre legile Nirvana spune ca o activitate care s-a descoperit ca fiind un izvor de placere ajunge sa fie repetata pana la saturatie.
Sau cand activitatea respectiva este repetata de nenumarate pana cand provoaca durere sau cand placerea care ti-o provoca inceteaza,ori este inlocuita de alta mai excitanta si in final mai placuta. 

Ce spun specialistii?

"Sexting  inceput timpuriu expune copiii la riscul    începerii premature a activități sexuale
Vineri 24 ianuarie 2014 12:01
De Leslie Postal - Orlando (Florida) Sentinel
"Sexting în rândul elevilor de mijloc poate conduce la activitate sexuală timpurie, oferind parintilor un motiv in plus pentru  să fie conștientizarea  comportamentelor la  telefon a adolescenților ", sugereaza un nou studiu.
Cel puțin în rândul copiilor care au deja probleme emotionale sau comportamentale, angajarea în sexting, sau chiar doar trimiterea de mesaje cochete, inseamna ca sunt mai dispusi  să se angajeze, timpuriu ,în acte sexuale,releva un  studiul de Pediatrie .
Studiul a implicat de clasa a șaptea și a fost realizat de cercetatorii de la doua spitale Rhode Island. Cercetator de plumb a declarat Fox News rezultatele nu se pot aplica tuturor tinerilor, dar a spus că nu pare să fie o legătură între ceea ce fac copiii pe telefoanele lor și în persoană.
"Știm că adolescenții sunt primii care folosesc telefoane mobile și toate formele de tehnologie mai mult și mai mult și știm că adolescenta timpurie este un moment în care oamenii se agajeaza in activitatea sexuala", a declarat Christopher Houck, cercetator  si psiholog la Spitalul Rhode Island. "Deci, cum cei doi se conecteacteza este un domeniu important de studiu."
Un alt cercetător care nu a fost implicat in studiu a declaratpentru  Fox News ca studiul ofera parintilor chiar mai mult un motiv pentru a discuta despre sexting - texting fotografii nud sau semi-nud sau mesaje cu conținut sexual explicit - cu copiii lor.
"Cred ca in literatura de specialitate este o preocupare in aceasta tema ,si  că linia de demarcație dintre comportamentele offline și comportamentele on-line devin din ce în ce mai neclare", a declarat Jeff  de la Universitatea din Texas Medical Branch la Galveston."

"Sexting in middle school puts kids at-risk for starting sexual activities, study finds
Leslie Postal
11:09 a.m. EST, January 7, 2014

Sexting among middle school students can lead to early sexual activitity, giving parents more reason to be aware of young teenagers' "phone behaviors," suggests a new study.
 At least among kids who already have emotional or behavioral problems, engaging in sexting -- or even just sending flirtatious messages -- means they are more likely to engage in sex acts, the study published in Pediatrics found.
The study involved 7th graders and was conducted by researchers at two Rhode Island hospitals. The lead researcher told Fox News  the findings may not apply to all youngsters but said there does seem to be a connection between what kids do on their phones and in person.
"We know early adolescents are using mobile phones and all forms of technology more and more and we know that early adolescence is a time when people become engaged in sexual activity," said Christopher Houck, the lead researcher and a psychologist at Rhode Island Hospital. "So how those two connect is an important area of study."
Another researcher who was not involved in the study told Fox News the study gives parents even more reason to discuss sexting -- texting nude or semi-nude photos or sexually explicit messages -- with their children.
Pictures: Notable celebrity deaths from 2014 and 2013
"I think it adds to the growing literature on this that the line between offline and online behaviors is becoming increasingly blurred," said Jeff Temple of the University of Texas Medical Branch "

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