sâmbătă, 8 martie 2014

"SEX AND THE CITY".Madness and IMAGE."Totul despre sex".Nebunia si IMAGINEA.

Madness and image 

Source psychological madness haunting and repetitive image
Nebunia si imaginea
Sursa psihologica  a nebuniei imaginea obsedanta si  repetitiva
The film " Sex and the City "

Frankly, although I like the actors who play in the show he is a shining example of sexual manipulation and special handling of sexual orientation.
Because the danger is not from mutations but from tracking simple that it causes in the minds of " Heat " contained scenes in the film.
Because these changes do not recommend pursuing sexual orientation series primarily by minors but not by adults with mental health problems , mentally handicapped and not by people with chronic diseases ( all related to the nervous system and all system-related diseases endocrine ) .
Again I have nothing against the film because the film is not only successful, which has the effect of changing sexual orientation.
I use this video for demonstration.
One of the merits of Nirvana is deciphering mechanism theory change sexual orientation.

After I did the primary analysis and conclusions have known, I have no doubts, "looking" in association with mental disposition and context-acceptance, in which the viewer finds excitement and finally the algorithm change brings change sexual orientation.

Changes occur after a latent period .
The subject comes to feel excitement from people of the same sex that after you accept mental as "normal" to apply them, that translates in act and in personal life. 

Change is very difficult and slow to part of heterosexual adults experience rapid in those without experience.

As the subject is young and mentally unstable , the change is more rapid .
"What is forbidden is more pleasure did ," said Mrs. Professor Tatu .
He was absolutely right .
The rapid change and transformation experienced in adolescente.

Here lesbian gay phenomenon experienced a true " explosion ." Young began to emulate their stars , same-sex kissing on the mouth, in full show and came to declare that lesbians.
And declared lesbian joke , though some did not know too well what it means , as a success or victory , then publicized the excess created an avalanche effect and turned into a " new fashion " .

" Sex year the City" in Romanian language with the title " All about sex " in the title contains handling .

That claim that says a lot about sex, specifically, nothing other than "ALL". Handling consists of this promise, the film contains "all" or sexual adventures or fantasies that you should try that later you can claim that you learned "everything". If you try all the adventures of this movie-serial-river will remain an "ignorant." and how after watching "heroes" on screen "practicing" moral censor or your fall and fall times of the Following the "right" or owed ​​to taste them yourself. 

And it also means that you must try to taste not only one of adventure and fantasy, but of course "ALL". 

Do not hide that I think the audience is watching the show audience deviant ... 

If the show is a commercial success, is due primarily subject.

Since the advent of cinema sex scenes movie sold very well and maximized profits.
The success of the movie Sex and the City is based on handling sexual desires and fantasies .
As I said the first sexual manipulation of a successful film and TV producers .
Handling sexual media has peaked in this century.
Never in human history has been more media influence , as in the period after the democratic revolutions in Eastern Europe after the fall of the so-called " Iron Curtain " , ie after 1989.
Won freedoms have been used more or even exclusively for sexual minorities topics the media got huge ratings and captivated public attention new Eastern countries .
In the countries of Eastern Europe dictatorship censored television programs.
After the fall of the iron curtain and thus those dictatorships fell with them and censorship on the screen.
New Democrats forming liberalized market and offer screen tv production has seen a massive increase .

Occurred programs for adults and fierce competition between television manufacturers resulted in a change in the form and content of television programelor.In some countries depended sex messages with sexual content or sexual innuendos are the essence of the show and not the title or the objective being addressed . ..
Countries in Eastern Europe, freed from dictatorship , they needed time to have put in place legislation in the field of television , as that related to the flourishing prostitution were bombarded with waves of pornography on the screen, almost free because there is a massive demand .
The audience especially the past 30 years was almost innocent , was beset with poor quality porn productions until they refined tastes and church charities and psychologists , sociologists and other mature part of the press began firing signals alarm .
The movie " sex year the city" amalgamation of scenes containing sexual adventures and fantasies mixed both gay and straight as some of the ignorance they considered an educational film .
It is not an educational movie , but one that skillfully manipulate and wake from their own desires sex, group sex girl , that girl something you want to see and , especially , to make our children !
In my book Nirvana principle propose solutions to avoid sexual manipulation and discover the mechanism of changing sexual orientation by watching movies like " Sex and  the City"

Filmul "Sex and the city"
"totul "
Sincer ,desi imi plac actorii care joaca in acest serial el este un exemplu stralucit de manipulare sexuala si in special de manipulare a ORIENTARII SEXUALE. Pentru ca pericolul nu vine din simpla urmarire ci din mutatiile pe care le provoaca in mintile "incalzite" de scenele continute in film.Din cauza ca aceste schimbari privesc orientarea sexuala nu recomand urmarirea serialului in primul rand de catre minori dar nici de catre adultii cu probleme psihice,handicapatii mental si nici de catre persoanele cu boli cronice (toate cele legate de sistemul nervos si toate bolile legate de sistemul endocrin).
Repet nu am nimic impotriva filmului pentru ca nu este singurul film, de succes, care are ca efecte SCHIMBAREA orientarii sexuale.Folosesc acest film pentru demonstratie.Unul dintre meritele teoriei Nirvana este descifrarea mecanismului schimbarii orientarii sexuale.

Dupa ce am facut analiza principilor si am cunoscut concluziile,nu mai  am nici un fel de indoieli,"privitul" in asociere cu dispozitia mintala si contextul-de acceptare, in care se gaseste privitorul modifica algoritmul excitatiei si in final aduce schimbarea orientarii sexuale .

Modificarea apare dupa o perioada de latenta.

Subiectul ajunge sa  simta  excitatii fata de persoane de acelasi sex pe care dupa ce le accepta mental ca si "normale"le aplica,adica le traduce in act si in viata personala.Schimbarea se face foarte greu si lent la o parte dintre  adultii cu experienta heterosexuala si rapid la cei fara experienta.Cu cat subiectul este mai tanar  si mai labil psihic,cu atat schimbarea este mai rapida.
"Ceea ce interzis este cu mai multa placere facut"spunea doamna profesoara Tatu.Avea mare dreptate.Cea mai rapida schimbare si transformare a cunoscut fenomenul gay la adolescente.Aici lesbianismul a cunoscut o adevarata "explozie".Tinerele au inceput sa le copieze pe vedetele,de acelasi sex, care se sarutau pe gura ,in plin spectacol si au ajuns sa se declare ca lesbiene .
Si se declarau lesbiene,in gluma,desi unele nici nu stiau prea bine ,ce inseamna,ca pe un mare succes sau izbanda,apoi procesul mediatizat in exces a creat un efect de avalansa si s-a transformat intr-o "noua moda".
"Sex an the City "in limba romana avand titlul "All about sex",contine o manipulare in titlu.
Adica pretinde ca spune foarte multe despre sex, mai precis, nimic altceva decat "TOTUL".Manipularea consta in aceasta promisiune,filmul contine "totul"sau toate aventurile sau fanteziile sexuale pe care ar trebui sa le incerci ca ulterior sa poti pretinde ca ai aflat "totul".Daca nu incerci toate aventurile din acest film-serial-fluviu o sa ramai un "ignorant".Si cum dupa ce ai vazut "eroii "pe ecran "practicand" morala sau cenzura ta ,cade ori pica si  ai prin urmare"dreptul "sau obligatia,fata de tine insuti sa le gusti.

Si totul mai inseamna ca trebuie sa incerci sa gusti  nu doar una dintre aventuri sau fantezii, ci binenteles "TOATE".

Nu va ascund ca eu consider publicul care se uita la acest serial un public deviant...
Daca acest serial este o reusita comerciala,se datoreaza, in primul rand  subiectului .
De la aparitia cinematografiei  scenele de sex au  vandut foarte bine un film si au maximizat profiturile producatorilor.
Succesul filmului Sex and the City  este bazat pe  manipularea dorintelor si fanteziilor sexuale.
Dupa cum am mai spus manipularea sexuala este prima reusita a producatorilor de  filme si de programe tv .
Manipularea sexuala in mass media a atins un nivel maxim in acest secol.
Niciodata in istoria umanitatii mass media nu a fost mai influenta,ca in aceasta perioada de dupa revolutiile democratice din Europa de Est si dupa caderea asa numitei "Cortine de Fier",adica dupa 1989.
Libertatile castigate au fost utilizate mai mult sau chiar exclusiv pentru minoritatile sexuale subiecte cu care mass-media a obtinut rating-uri uriase si au captivat atentia noului public din tarile din Est .
In tarile din estul Europei   dictatura  le cenzurase programele de televiziune.
Dupa caderea cortinei de fier si implicit a dictaturilor respective a cazut odata cu ele si cenzura pe ecran.
Noile democratii in formare au liberalizat piata in productia tv iar oferta pe ecran a cunoscut o crestere masiva.
Au aparut programe pentru adulti iar concurenta acerba intre producatorii de televiziune a dus la o schimbare in forma si continutul programelor.In unele tari depedente de televizor sexul ,mesajele cu continut sexual sau aluziile sexuale  sunt esenta emisiunii si nu titlul sau obiectivul propus spre dezbatere...
Tarile din Estul Europei ,izbavite de dictatura,au avut nevoie de timp pana si-au pus la punct legislatia in domeniul programelor  de televiziune,ca si aceea legata de inflorirea prostitutiei,au fost bombardate cu valuri de pornografie pe ecran ,aproape la liber,intrucat exista o cerere masiva.
Publicul in special trecut de 30 de ani era, aproape inocent, a fost asaltat cu productii pornografice de slaba calitate pana cand gusturile s-au rafinat iar Biserica ,organizatiile umanitare si psihologii ,sociologii si o alta parte a presei mature au inceput sa traga semnale de alarma.
Filmul "sex an the city" contine un amalgam de scene sexuale si aventuri si fantezii mixte atat hetero cat homosexuale si unii din ignoranta l-au considerat un film educativ.
El nu este un film educativ ci unul care manipuleaza cu abilitate si trezeste dorinte fata de propriul sex,fata de sex in grup ,adica fata de ceva ce nu dorim sa vada si , mai ales, sa faca, copiii nostri!
In cartea mea principiul Nirvana propun solutii pentru evitarea manipularii sexuale si descoper mecanismul de schimbare a orientarii sexuale prin vizionarea filmelor precum "Sex an the City" 

"Sex and the City", an educational television series?
Educate yourself is true only if you have allergies to education:

"Sex and the City",un serial educativ?
Te educa este adevarat,doar daca ai alergie la educatie:

One can take slightly crazy just watching and then putting into practice these scenes "educational"
O poti lua usor razna doar privind si apoi punand in practica, aceste  scene  "educative"

Why  is it wrong to look at such images?
Sexual arousal is caused by sexual clich.
I mean a picture, or a small movie, almost similar to a video clip, but having a very short duration, which imprints in the brain as a stamp-mark.

It's a few pictures automatically scrolling moment of excitement in the brain. Unfolding in the absence of arousal film does not occur!

We all like clichs.

Change cliche determine and change how it excites person. 

For example, one kiss is triggered, and contains a cliche movie consists of a kiss.

What do you think happens when you see your favorite star kissing a person of the same sex? Clich is shattered! And it is in danger of being changed to a format of a movie cliche with a kiss between you and a person of the same sex!
Who can it change the cliche? Imagination course that has a regulator component, that adapts to the reality of circumstances desire

Imagination is responsible for your sexual tastes, as only she can create and combine images and can form a clich, it is fitting department of sexual stereotypes. 

Imagination unites erotic past with that of the present and the possible meaning of the future.

The more developed imagination is even more difficult to influence the subject because not accept changes if they are entered in the margin of mind.
Or to a kiss from a star with a person of the same sex, is outside your comfort zone mentally heterosexual people ..
De ce este gresit sa privesti astfel de imagini?
Excitatia sexuala este determinata de un cliseu sexual.
Adica o imagine,sau un mic filmulet,aproape asemanatoare cu un video-clip,avand  insa o durata extrem de scurta,care se intipareste in creier ca o stampila-marca.
Este vorba de cateva imagini care se deruleaza AUTOMAT in creier in momentul producerii excitatiei .In absenta derularii filmului excitatia nu se produce!
Toti avem asemenea clisee.
Schimbarea cliseului determina si schimbarea felului cum se excita persoana.
De exemplu pentru unii sarutul este declansator,si contine un cliseu format din filmuletul unui sarut.
Ce credeti ca se intampla cand vezi ca vedeta ta preferata se saruta cu o persoana de acelasi sex?Cliseul este zdruncinat!Si este in pericol de a fi schimbat cu un cliseu format dintr-un filmulet cu un sarut intre tine si o persoana de acelasi sex!
Cine ,sau mai exact care proces psihic poate face aceasta schimbare de cliseu?Imaginatia desigur care are o componenta reglatorie,adica adapteaza dorinta la realitatea conjucturala!
Imaginatia este responsabila pentru gusturile tale sexuale,intrucat numai ea poate creea si combina  imagini si poate forma un cliseu,ea este departamentul de montaj al  cliseelor sexuale.Imaginatia unifica trecutul erotic cu cel al prezentului si al posibilului,adica al viitorului.
Cu cat imaginatia este mai dezvoltata cu atat subiectul este mai greu de influentat intrucat nu accepta schimbari decat daca sunt inscrise in marja de confort psihic.
Ori vederea unui sarut al  unei vedete cu o persoana de acelasi sex ,se afla in afara zonei de confort psihic la persoanele heterosexuale.

One woman with big boobs men clich is a clich derived exclusively from images collected and combined on the screen (s) of a poor imagination, the men remained little childish or infantile or primitive stage.
The clich is offered liberally on TV of all TV programs including news and commercials, as well as all sorts of issues that always propagated images of women with large breasts, or whose breasts have been filmed or photographed.
These images appear every day, and all men who watch TV or open a magazine some have been bombarded practically since they made ​​eye and this process continues until all eyes will close ...

Unul dintre cliseele barbatilor femeia cu sanii mari este un cliseu provenit exclusiv din imagini culese si combinate de pe ecran(e)de  o imaginatie saraca ,a barbatilor putin infantili sau ramasi la un stadiu infantil sau chiar primitiv.
Cliseul este oferit cu larghete pe  ecranele  televizoarelor de catre toate programele tv,inclusiv cele de stiri si ale reclamelor ,ca si ale emisiunilor de tot felul care a propagat mereu  imagini cu femei cu sani mari,sau ai caror sani au fost filmati sau fotografiati .
Aceste imagini apar zilnic si toti barbatii care se uita la televizor sau deschid o revista oarecare au fost bombardati, practic de cand au facut ochi si acest proces va continua pana vor inchide  de tot ochii...

Almost I would say media hysteria triggered femeiolor with small breasts and their quest for silicone, and all media should be a master or a stop.
If I have the right to do that, I'd do it ...

Yet media stories and realized how about celebrity breasts everywhere and not only increase rating and used and exploited subject to induce a true hysteria, and continued on that is "over it" free to exceed, and stories will continue as tomorrow, after tomorrow and "over" the day after tomorrow. 

Practically every day in every news, every event presented in the media have a topic related to Sanu, or their exposure or plastic surgery of the breasts. 

It is a media obsession!

In some vorbesste entertainer is all about silicones and reporters chasing celebrities and medical offices where these operations are for fresh information.
If the media had not followed the health of their rating stars and now we have 2014 stars with flat chest or small or normal and continbua presenters should wear collared shirts without any cleavage (ha, ha, ha ...)

Aproape as putea spune media a declansat isteria femeiolor cu sanii mici si goana lor dupa silicoane,si tot media ar trebui sa o  stapaneasca sau sa o opreasca.
Daca as avea dreptul sa fac asta,as face-o...

Totusi media a realizat cum povestile cu si despre sanii vedetelor de pretutindeni si nu numai,  cresc  ratingul si a folosit si exploatat subiectul pana a indus o adevarata isterie,si a continuat  si mai departe adica "peste ea"fara sa o depaseasca,si povestile vor  continua si la fel si maine,poimaine si "peste"  poimaine.

Practic ,aproape ,in fiecare zi in fiecare stire ,in fiecare eveniment prezentat in mass-media avem un subiect legat de sanu ,sau de expunerea lor sau de operatii estetice ale sanilor.

Este o obsesie mediatica!

In unele emisiuni de divertisment se vorbesste numai despre silicoane,iar reporterii vaneaza vedetele si cabinetele medicale unde se fac operatiile respective pentru informatii proaspete.
Daca media ar fi urmarit sanatatea vedetelor si nu ratingul lor am fi avut si acum in 2014 vedete cu pieptul plat sau mici sau chiar normali iar prezentatoarele de stiri ar continua sa poarte camasi cu guler si fara nici un fel de decolteu(ha,ha,ha...) 

Kate Upton:


Selena Gomez vrea mai mult

I must say that this clich is not a clich but a true original fake .
Any intelligent man can discover his little effort and making a sincere analysis of own native women clich clich ie acestuia.La sketch form as no significant differences .
Because of the way of forming the cliche that contains public image on screen or in magazines or a combination of them cliche generally contains no images completely nude but partially nude or half-sheltered .
Changing normal cliche is by direct contact with a partner.
Failure of first contact can lead to abnormal or vitiated maintaining a clich
or even completely at odds with the subject because it tastes to a real contact with the completion pleasant or orgasm
 confused image of the object desired partner - partner real object .
Just contact with a partner that feels good and comfortable can change for the better cliche making it favorable maturation and personal development .

Trebuie sa va spun ca acest cliseu nu este deloc un cliseu original ci o adevarata facatura.
Orice barbat inteligent isi poate descoperi cu putin efort si  facandu-si o analiza sincera a propiului  cliseu adica schita acestuia.La femei cliseul se formeaza la fel,nu sunt diferente semnificative.
Din cauza modalitatii de formare a cliseului care contine imagini publice pe ecran sau in reviste sau o combinatie intre ele cliseul nu contine in general imagini complet nude ci partial nude sau semiacoperite .
Modificarea normala a cliseului se face prin contact direct cu un partener.
Esecul primelor contacte poate duce la mentinerea unui cliseu anormal sau viciat
sau chiar complet in dezacord cu gusturile subiectului intrucat acesta pana la un contact real cu finalizare placuta sau cu orgasm
 confunda imaginea despre obiectul-partener dorit  cu partenerul-obiectul real.
Doar contactul cu un partener cu care se simte bine si confortabil poate schimba in bine cliseul facandu-l favorabil maturizarii si dezvoltarii personale. 

Intrucat il excita altceva decat ceea ce poseda,barbatul care are ca si cliseu sexual femeia cu sanii mari este nefericit alaturi de o partenera cu sani mici.
Indifirent ca este constient sau nu frustrarea lui va rabufni periodic .Actele sexuale vor  lipsite de excitatii si deci nesatisfacatoare si poate deveni irascibil si certaret.
El va cadea cu usurinta in tot felul de "capcane"si aventuri cu femei cu sani proeminenti.
De nefericirea lui  se va molipsi si partenera si finalul este desigur previzibil ruperea relatiei sau casatoriei.
Pentru schimbarea cliseului sexual "femeia cu sanii mari"este necesara o desensibilizare la obiectul dorit "femeia cu sani mari "si o resensibilizare la partenera.
"Resensibilizarea la partenera" este facuta in general instinctiv de femeile inteligente si care-si iubesc amantul sau sotul prin crearea unei dependente de placerea oferita de ele.
Acestea simt ca pot sa-si piarda partenerul ales si atunci  intervin decisiv.
Tactica lor poate fi sintetizata prin fraze de genul  "Kate Upton are sani mari dar EU iti fac un masaj exact asa cum iti place si exact unde iti place mai mult" Sigur ca tactica aceasta da roade doar daca partenerul primeste o gratificatie pentru frustrarea sa si mai exact frustrarea este inlocuita de satisfactie!
Totusi barbatul care nu are norocul unei partenere inteligente si iubarete poate pierde chiar batalia pentru sexul hetero si poate incerca si sexul cu barbati.
Vizionarea filmului "Sex and the City" il poate ajuta sa se hotarasca in acest sens .

Because it excites different than he possessed, like a man who has sexual clich woman with big boobs is unhappy with a partner with small breasts.
Knowingly or recklessly that it will not burst his frustration periodically. Sexual acts are devoid of excitement and so unsatisfactory and may become irritable and quarrelsome.
He will easily fall into all kinds of "traps" and adventures with women with prominent breasts.
The misery will infect his partner and the ending is predictable course or marriage breakup.
To change sexual cliche "woman with big boobs" is required desensitization to the desired object "woman with big breasts" and resensitization to date.
"Resensitization partner is" in general instinctive and intelligent women who love lover or husband by creating a dependent of pleasure offered by them.
They feel that they can lose their chosen partner and then intervene decisively.
Their tactic can be synthesized by phrases like "Kate Upton has big breasts but I you a massage just the way you like and exactly where you like more" Of course this tactic pay off only if the partner receives a bonus for frustration and Exactly frustration is replaced by satisfaction!
But a man who has no luck intelligent partner and lover may even lose the battle for straight sex and can try sex with men.
Watching the movie "Sex and the City" may help to decide on this.

I get letters that are asked why insist on the issue of "sexual negatives"?
I wanted to answer this question later, however curious they are right, not understanding the importance of the text before sexual cliche.
"Sexual clich" is for people deviant "why" or triggers of aggression, of their transition from passivity to act, is the spark that ignites the powder keg.
In the absence of action potential sexual cliche rape, for example, can not occur.
For this reason it was "chopped heel" subject to its depletion up to a full understanding of how an ordinary picture, apparently, we can ill getting to see "colored" even in the absence of light and dark colors or in the deeper.
Madness, unfortunately, is full of cliches so sexual, like, "so you have an" aggressive and violent like-"so will you obey my will."
The topic will be developed in the following text.
Primesc scrisori in care sunt intrebat de ce insist pe aceasta  tema a "cliseului sexual"?
As fi dorit sa raspund mai tarziu la aceasta intrebare,totusi curiosii au dreptate, nu se intelege din textul de pana acum importanta cliseului sexual.
"Cliseul sexual "este pentru persoanele deviante "motivul " sau factorul declansator al agresivitatii  ,al trecerii lor de la pasivitate la act,este scanteia care aprinde butoiul cu pulbere.
In lipsa actiunii cliseului sexual un potential viol,de exemplu , nu se poate produce.
Din acest motiv o sa "toc marunt"subiectul pana la epuizarea acestuia si pana la intelegerea deplina a felului cum o imagine banala ,in aparenta ,ne poate imbolnavi ajungand sa vedem "colorat"chiar si  in lipsa luminii si a culorilor sau in  intunericul cel mai profund.
Nebunia ,din pacate, este plina de clisee atat sexuale ,de genul-"asa o sa te am"cat si violent agresive de genul-"asa o sa te supun vointei mele".
Subiectul va fi dezvoltat in textele urmatoare.

Function of signal -( bad sexual ) media is exaggerated as if led by an army of perverts.
Information function of media currently in 2014 is selective and incomplete that is colored with plenty of sex scenes or even the city " Sex year the City" or the ... country ...
One of deviations cause headaches entire world " plastic surgery breast augmentation ."
Stars concerned with their image and success are quick to listen to the advice of " disinterested " of " analysts " and runs the surgeon and surgery as "deeply aesthetic . "
Press instead minimizes the adverse effects of these operations , the weak reflection of these events .
It is not bad to look your best and want to work towards it , still the chosen methods can cause great discomfort or serious health afecarea namely organic and operated women paradoxical or even innebunirea zapacirea other women with small breasts or chest flat .
The media began to organize competitions for teenagers and offers prizes as an aesthetic opreatie free breast augmentation .
I mean teenagers instigate the seriousness, prudence , or good works and a thorough Schooling ( joke )
I do not propose here an analysis of current media but " I signal " ...

Functia de semnal-(sexual prost ) a presei este exagerata de parca ar fi condusa de o armata de perversi .
Functia de informare a presei la ora actuala, in 2014, este selectiva adica incompleta si colorata din belsug cu scene sexuale fie chiar si de la oras"Sex an the City" sau de la ...tara...
Una dintre deviatii provoaca dureri de cap intregului mapamond "operatiile estetice de marire a sanilor".
Vedetele preocupate de imaginea lor si de succes se grabesc sa asculte sfaturile "dezinteresate"ale "analistilor" si alearga la chirugi si  la operatii cat mai "profund estetice."
Presa in schimb minimizeaza efectele adverse ale acestor operatii,prin slaba reflectare a acestor evenimente.
Nu este deloc rau sa doresti arati cat mai bine si sa actionezi in sensul acesta,totusi metodele alese pot cauza mari neplaceri sau mai precis afecarea grava a sanatatii organice a femeilor operate si paradoxal cu zapacirea sau chiar innebunirea celorlalte femei cu sani mici sau cu pieptul plat.
Mass-media a inceput sa organizeze concursuri pentru adolescente si sa ofera drept premii o opreatie estetica gratuita de marirea a sanilor.
Adica instiga adolescentele la seriozitate ,cumintenie,sau chiar la fapte bune si la o pregatirea scolara temeinica(gluma)
Nu imi propun  aici o analiza a mass-mediei actuale ci doar "semnalizez" ...

Propagation "uncontrolled" in the number of mentally ill is also a great "success" media and television excellence contributed to this phenomenon, as part of it.
If the clich "the woman with large breasts" had consequences on the human psyche and basically created a new culture is due not only accessibility but also decrease brutal audience's age.
By comparison children who did not have a TV in the room and free access to any programs and shows, even porn, have fewer sexual obsessions and are more sociable.
Both I and other colleagues have not enjoyed the "privilege" although we crossed together obsession with big breasts, I surpassed it.
I regretted parting with some new faces such as flat-chested and inconvenience caused by the prominent chest that had a fierce competition.
So I understand loving them what is important and how to form sexual clichs we forged theory.
Inmultirea "necontrolata" a numarului de  bolnavi psihici este si un  mare "succes"mediatic,iar  televiziunea prin excelenta a contribuit la acest fenomen,intrucat face parte din el.
Daca cliseul "femeia cu sani mari" a avut consecinte asupra psihicului uman si a creat practic o noua cultura se datoreaza nu numai accesibilitatii ci si scaderea  brutala a vrstei publicului.
Prin comparatie copii care nu  au avut un televizor  in camera si acces liber la orice fel de programe si emisiuni,chiar porno,au  obsesii sexuale mai putine si sunt  mai sociabili.
Atat eu cat si alti colegi nu s-au bucurat de acest "privilegiu" desi am traversat impreuna obsesia legata de sanii mari,am depasit-o.
Am regretat unii noi de exemplu despartirile de  fetele cu pieptul plat  si neplacerile provocate de cele cu pieptul proeminent la care aveam o apriga concurenta.
Asa am inteles iubindu-le ce este important si cum se formeaza cliseele sexuale si  ne-am faurit teoria.

Depends our mental health a greater extent than to imagine the images processed and stored.
Tell me what store images that tell you how sick you are.
Or how healthy.
If you just upload pictures containing murder and rape, group sex junkies and mind will be too disturbed and influenced by these evil images.
If you upload more beautiful images and mind will be the same.
Sanatatea noastra mintala depide intr-o masura mai mare decat va imaginati de imaginile procesate si memorate.
Spune-mi ce imagini stochezi ca sa-ti spun cat de bolnav esti.
Sau cat de sanatos.
Daca te incarci doar cu imagini care contin crime si violuri ,drogati si sex in grup mintea va fi prea tulburata si influentata de aceste imagini rele.
Daca te incarci mai mult cu imagini frumoase si mintea va fi la fel.

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